The 600 passed the House and Senate as a part of the Spending Bill. The President signed it a couple days ago. The 2000 was an amendment. That passed the House, but McConnell blocked it as a vote in the Senate. But has hinted he’d consider a vote on it in a separate package that included killing Section 230 protections. If that passes things like forums, comments, social media might shut down so companies can protect themselves from users making terrible comments.
That’s the president’s job. And judging by present and past presidents they’re very thorough about it.
Understatement of the century.
I feel for the future generation’s, they get to deal with the cost of all the hate we’ve created.
Mitch already blocked it from going to a vote in the Senate. It’s D E D
Do any of you not see how these two parties are playing us? They are trying to use government stimulus to the people as leverage to do things they cant get done because our government cannot function in a time of crisis such as this pandemic.
I am going to go ahead and say that our elected officials are not qualified nor do they have the ability to function as intended so we the people are the ones suffering.
Its not about the $2000 checks people, look past that and you will see.
Give the people the necessary money to get through this, and the government is in debt. So long as tax havens and dodges exist for the rich so they pay nothing, that deficit will never change.
Cut people off and leave them to fend for themselves and unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and disease are going to shoot through the roof. Without money to spend, businesses will shut down. It’ll take decades to bring the economy back, just look at the Great Depression. We pulled back from that largely thanks to government programs.
At this point if the deficit is as much of a concern as it should be, then the tax havens for the rich need to be repealed. Its as simple as that. The long-term health of the economy depends on people having money and jobs. Without money, there are no jobs.
Yeah it sucks and what it would take to reduce us to a much lower debt to GDP would perhaps be around a decade of aggressive cost savings the US likely wouldn’t want to do. Or at least a decade I guess.
I am surprised that the case for people whose hours were reduced wasn’t made. It’s almost like Congress was more interested in making people who make nothing as in zero dollars whole again (with PPP money) or nearly whole with the UI plus up but do nothing for those who are in part-time status now because hours were cut. No champions for part timers except Bernie.
Mitch McConnell put a stop to it this morning.
Because they are always considering creating French republic version 5.0
At this point the deficit is so large it really doesn’t matter. Also, it’s all funny money. The money just gets created with a few key strokes. There is nothing backing up the money. So, why just $2k? Why not $4k? It will all eventually collapse because of all the debt, but it most likely won’t anytime too soon.
The worse thing is Trump has actually made our elected officials and career politicians in general look competent. How frightening is that?
are you serious man.
you know when people have evidence they go to court and they win cases.
when they don’t have evidence they go on social media and fool a bunch of idiots.
No, probably not.
Funny how despite all these “affidavits” there is absolutely zero evidence and every court case got thrown out lol.
No, actually. It was fine until the right realized telling people not to use it during an epidemic was stupid.
It really doesn’t.
both sides have proven over and over again that they will lie - in this case, those people only risk that Trump will forget to pardon them for perjury when he goes.
Your country is a sad shadow of what it was even 20 years ago.
Not to mention the judges that have been tossing these cases out are appointees of the current Administration that filed the cases. LOL, thinking they bought themselves an election in the courts with jobs.
Do you get all of your news from Monserrat?
That’s a great idea, thanks! I’m on medical leave with no pay, but the husband is still working, so we’ll spare some for this if we get anything.
You know, it’s the number of votes, not the number of counties that matter, right?
This may come as a shock, but not all counties in the US have the same number of people. It’s why it’s not a real metric.
Really? You can’t fathom a reality where people will vote for Republican senators, but not Donald “Grab them by the p****” Trump?
If by “everyone” you mean “the screaming white people on Fox News, OANN, and Newsmaxx”, then sure.