Were Characters wiped since 2009 for inactive accounts?

I haven't played since 2009. I just re-activated my account. I don't see any old characters though. Were they wiped?
They don't wipe characters, ever.

If you aren't seeing them it could be a couple things.

First, did you actually log into the realm, or just the realm selection screen? When an account has been inactive for a long time you need to log into the realms that had characters before that realm will be marked on the realm selection screen as having characters.

The second possibility is that you are logging into the wrong account. Since you don't need a subscription, or any purchase really, to play level 20 and under, you could simply be in the wrong WoW account.

Each battle.net account can have up to 8 WoW licenses attached.
No, they don't delete inactive characters.

The character you're posting from is on Ravencrest. Have you logged completely into the character selection for that realm? They won't show on the realm selection screen after being gone for so long.
Nope. we don't wipe characters. You should find them primarily on Ravencrest and Dark Iron with a few low levels on Blackrock, Icecrown and Lightbringer.

Keep in mind, the website may not list characters that haven't been logged into for awhile so be sure you are checking the correct realm in the World of Warcraft client.
No, but a long time away can lose the internal list that knows you have characters on specific realms.

If you click the [Change Character] button under you posting picture, do you see some of the old characters you remember? Check what realms they are on. Try changing to those realms and see if they populate.

Separately, since a Battle.Net account can include multiple WOW accounts, people have accidentally activated wrong accounts before.

When you go to run WOW from the launcher, do you only see one account, or do you see more than one listed? Try logging into the other accounts, onto a realm you had a character on, and see if they show up. (They may be unplayable, but it should show them.)

It's even possible to have the wrong Battle.Net account.

In this case, if you can't find any characters as per above, you could try contacting Billing. They've sometimes been able to perform near miracles, asking about things like a character and realm, or an account that matches the name on this one.

EDIT: LOL, the dangers of trying to be thorough. =P
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For an easy way to find your characters and their realm, you can log into your account admin section (link below), select your WoW account and then choose a service like Character Transfer at the bottom of that page.

You don't actually have to do the transfer ;) It will however, show you all your characters and which realm they're on even if you're inactive.

Ok I see them now, thanks. The names are messed up though. The names start out correct for about 6 places then there are random numbers and letters. What do I need to do to fix this?
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11/06/2018 05:07 PMPosted by VioletDA3848
Ok I see them now, thanks. The names are messed up though. The names start out correct for about 6 places then there are random numbers and letters. What do I need to do to fix this?

Names are now released after an account being inactive for 2 expansions.

When you log into those characters you'll be prompted to pick a new name.

Your original name may still be available, so make sure to try it if you want that name back.
My follow up is there a way to transfer them to another realm?
11/06/2018 05:07 PMPosted by VioletDA3848
Ok I see them now, thanks. The names are messed up though. The names start out correct for about 6 places then there are random numbers and letters. What do I need to do to fix this?

Add game time, and log into the game. Because you were gone for so long, the name was released for reuse, you can just try the old name again when you log into the game, or chose a new name.

11/06/2018 05:09 PMPosted by VioletDA3848
My follow up is there a way to transfer them to another realm?

Sure, via the paid character transfer systems.
11/06/2018 05:07 PMPosted by VioletDA3848
Ok I see them now, thanks. The names are messed up though. The names start out correct for about 6 places then there are random numbers and letters. What do I need to do to fix this?

As Eppa mentioned, if the account was inactive for at least 2 expansions the names would be flagged for a rename so they could be used again.

Assuming the name hasn't been taken, you simply need to type in the same name when you log into the character. Alternately, if the name is taken you'd need to pick a different name.

11/06/2018 05:09 PMPosted by VioletDA3848
My follow up is there a way to transfer them to another realm?

We have a Character Transfer Services that allows you to transfer characters between realms.

If the website does not show the characters but you still cannot get the name is there any way identify if it can be released? Can’t blizzard develop a way to allow active players to some how petition the owner of the name without breaching the person’s information? Like Looking for group and then if say after 7 months no response allow the requestor to pay $10.00 for the name? Just my frustration that I end up not being able to get my names I prefer and then do not see the character listed on my server at all. “Cal-Bleeding Hollow”…


If it’s on the Armory, the Armory is not always up to date. As well, it doesn’t normally show characters under level 10.

If it’s in-game, you can’t /who characters under level 20. That restriction was put in to slow down gold-sellers targeting new players.

Also, someone could have made a character with that name and never logged int to it. Those won’t show on the Armory.

I have done /who never found anyone. Thank you for letting me know that you don’t even have to log in to freeze a name.

I’m pretty sure they have to be logged in when you do the who to show. Not seeing anyone doesn’t mean they never logged in, just that they weren’t when you did who.


Yet I had at least one character on Scarlet Crusade, a bloodelf priest. I don’t remember deleting her, it’s not like I’m hurting for character slots, but since servers were merged and linked I have had no characters on Scarlet Crusade.

No servers were merged.

Servers were connected, but that didn’t delete characters.

Cross-realm doesn’t delete them, either.

Are you sure you’re logging into the correct account?

Have you tried logging into the SC realm and seeing if there’s any characters in the undelete list?


Amazing, I found the Scarlet Crusade server, and there she was. Now Scarlet Crusade appears in the list of servers I have characters on at the top of the server list. Do I have any others lurking in the mists and how would I know if I don’t remember the server name.

Perl linked a method earlier in the thread. Perhaps it can be of assistance to you as well.


But then you’d come here and post that due to unforeseen circumstances, and through no fault of your own, you were unable to play the game for eight months, and when you were finally able to log in, your character name had been taken by someone else. I imagine you might also go on at length about the inherent unfairness of Blizzard allowing another player to just buy your names.

Imagine how frustrated that other player would be if Blizzard instituted a policy whereby they would allow you to steal another player’s name for the low price of $10.