Were are the strong, male leads in Warcraft?

Denathrius was a good example of being masculine and toxic but his masculinity wasnt the toxic part. Gender swap him and he’d have been equally as toxic.

As for others Ebyssian, Dadgar, Bane, Uther all come to mind.

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This. I used to refer to Thrall as a Mary Sue because Blizzard refused to acknowledge all the things he messed up. Such as: Not seeing the Forsaken’s plague and wrathgate incident coming a mile away, not bothering to show up for the siege of Icecrown Citadel, and, of course, making Garrosh warchief even though both Vol’jin and Garrosh himself told him it was a bad idea! Then in wod Thrall gets to kill Garrosh himself and states he has no responsibility for Garrosh.

Now characters mess-ups are being highlighted? Yay!

I ran into them at Crossfit and your story checks out.


Mary Sues can do no wrong…

They’re not characters that do wrong and ignore it.

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Every time I or someone I know who plays gets a cut or something I refer to it as “The woooond” in the accent, lol.

Op,this is a fantasy mmorpg ,there are no good role models .

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And then he runs around the Maw talking about his shaft.

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Eh, Tyrion would be a good roll model, and perhaps Grand Apothecary Putress.

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LOL,roll model :rofl:

All the strong masculine male leads noped out of this company a while ago. Where’ve you been?

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The type that OP is referring to, yeah. Though “were noped” might be more accurate.


To be fair, the women in Warcraft lore aren’t people to emulate either.


Are ogres a playable race yet?

lmao i love when they always start it out like this, especially like it has any meaning. Even threw in the father role. /eyeroll

Next thread i make im gonna say : as a long time gamer of (name all games here) and as an uncle of (name 4 nieces and 2 nephews here) and as a vanilla player…

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Very True.

I feel like some of them might be okay on a good day? But the vast majority either have huge anger management issues or problems with severe narcissism. Yeah who am I kidding? They’re all the same character and they all have the same overlapping pool of problems.

We had the Jailer.

Captain Nipples wasn’t appreciated very much though.

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Man was Overpowered.

Blizzard came in and nerfed it in DF.

Women is FoTM now, so all the leadership rerolled.

Kidding, but also semi-not-kidding lmao.

There are a lot of good female characters they’ve seemingly forgotten about.

Magatha Grimtotem. She was the mother of that Tauren Primalist from the Vault raid, so we actually might see her again soon.

Another one is Moira Thaurissan, the Dark Iron queen (although a Bronzebeard herself) and I really loved to see some stuff involving her and the Black Dragonflight, since they all lived in Blackrock Mountain for years together.

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Warmongers made sense when players of both factions weren’t joining together to save the planet.

'Cause they’re all written by the same people.