Were are the strong, male leads in Warcraft?

Masculinity =/= Aggressive.

If you believe you have to be aggressive to be masculine, that’s a problem you need to unpack with a therapist, to be frank.


He’s the Vulpera leader who is shaman. He hasn’t really been in the story since BFA but he’s a good character.

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Well an epic male character for example would be someone like Fenix from the Starcraft series.

And I’m talking about the original not the clone copy one in Legacy of the Void.

You really hated Kerrigan for so long for killing him until she finally redeemed herself.

Oh and also didn’t a male just get elected to be the new dragon aspect, the new Earth-warder? I was of the opinion that Wraithion who wanted it so bad was a clown…

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Where are the strong, male leads in Warcraft?

“Chasing all the Strong, Female, Leads around, like little lost puppies, looking for a treat.”
/wicked giggle


Asked Sabellian pretending to be a hunter.




responded Wrathion pretending to be an orc shaman.

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Vulpera 4 Lyfe!

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Love returning to the thread and reading a ton of valid points, both in agreement and disagreement! And some trolls and fun lol.

Turalyon fits the bill for a strong male lead, which is why I’m afraid they’ll end up killing him in the future.

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I don’t know about that ,strong leader does not bend knee to shiny crystal.

He’s… interesting. It feels like he should but it just feels like he has done nothing. His story prelegion was good but it just seemed off personality wise in legion. Illidan stops his sword with 1 hand after watching his essential ‘god’ ish figure get killed, they are down to like their last ship I think? And supposedly he is running sw? Which I have seen none of lol.

Conan the barbarian is great, loves a good fight, etc.

Garrosh, while it’s fun to joke that garrosh did nothing wrong, he was a piece of ----. He was a terrible leader, an awful strategist and an overconfident bafoon. He had no loyalty to anybody but himself, he had no respect for anybody, he treated his underlings like disposable garbage, and his allies he actively conspired against.

He was a tyrant, the stereotype of the misguided youth trying despararely to live up to his father’s legacy, but too cold hearted and short sighted to be anything but a villian.

While I agree that he at least brought a faction identity back to the horde, something we certainly need back… and a key reason why vanilla was so loved… he did it in the most toxic (for lacn of a better word) way ever. He divided the horde, he conspired to have allies murdered instead of openly challenging them to fights. He had no honor, only bluster and bigotry.

Bring back faction identity, sure, bring back a more combative horde, absolutely, this hug-evrrything-lets-qll-just-get-along bs is awful. It’s so pathetic. But the horde was literally founded to fight against bigotry. Almost every single race in the horde is there because of alliance bigotry. That nonsense can stick with the blue side.

There’s a wild difference between confidence and command, and using fear and intimidation to mask your severe inadequacy complex. Garrosh crossed that line long long time ago.

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You have two of them vying to become the leader of the black dragon flight right now…

Had… i won’t spoil anything but look up the main campaign questline.

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They signed the social contract

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Go ahead and spoil it for me. I’m not very invested in the story since around cata anyway.

Ebyssian/Ebonhorn wins.

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So the entire point of choice between assisting Sab or Wrath was pointless?.. or is there more to it than just Eb becomes the leader of the flight?

I mean all of the Obsidian Citadel stuff made it pretty clear that they were both being power-hungry, entitled children about it. Neither deserved to lead the Dragonflight. People saw the Ebyssian move coming from ten miles away.