"We're always open to feedback, but I doubt we'll change our mind on automatic dungeon finder."

Honest truth.

The only feedback they care about is revenue.

I see plenty of people on the boost mount and a lot of servers with long queues, which seems to suggest they are doing well with revenue.

At some point, that may change, and then all bets are off as to RDF being added or not.

But that time isn’t now (even though I personally would like RDF added), and so far it hasn’t ruined the Wrath experience as the original Wrath didn’t have RDF until ICC opened, so there is still time for it to be included.

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Even with the XP buffs it’s impossible to find groups with the LFG tool because it’s far more efficient to farm the overworld, no one wants to do long dungeons and chance it with bad LFG pugs who can’t play their classes right.

Once that XP buff ends in 2 weeks, not only will the dungeon nerfs heavily impact people wanting to group up for it but leveling will become even slower since even less people will be willing to use the LFG tool.

Like you said:

This is all an artificial grind wall to peddle Lv 70 boosts and it seems to be working, but ultimately people will quit over this and all the other changes they’re making is not what happened in the original Wrath which is the whole point of Classic.

Maybe once subs drop to a very low amount they’ll bring back RDF and claim they listened to us the whole time, it’s a classic Blizzard move but I think it’ll be too late.


God forbid my kids ever have the need to be validated by a streamer.


Thanks for ignoring the rest of the post:

YouTubers and Streamers just add even more validity on top of the already overwhelming pro-RDF support.


Every one of my friends has agreed to not play if RDF gets put in.


Your hand doesn’t count as a friend.


There are people clamoring for it. They don’t have to worry about whether it will break the game or not. That responsibility lies with Blizzard.


Surely you have friends


I know, I just found their statement odd that they got so much support when in reality there has been zero actual support for anti-RDF anywhere lol. I have yet to come across any major argument or post or even website that comes close to defending it.

It makes me question their methods of gathering data and the validity of it.


I dont care about what the “popular” opinion is, or what you think it is. I don’t care about what gaming "journalists " think, or internet "celebrities ". If that makes me a troll, then I’m a troll. At least im not concerned about needing validation of the above to believe my views are correct.

Inb4 another npc comment about how streamers or youtubers disagree with me and that makes me wrong.

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Lol you’re not a troll but not caring about anyone else but yourself is the very definition of ignorance, you can choose to live in that blissful ignorance but you can evolve your mind set and opinions if you actually bothered seeing other people’s arguments and viewpoints.


The glue is finally getting to ya isnt it.


I had over 300 likes on my thread “daily reminder we want RDF” it got deleted almost a month in. It is not that we have not had the likes… it’s that we get mass reported by the troll army and deleted.


Whatever man, i’m just gonna stop feeding you replies. I can’t imagine how miserable of a person you must be if you’re like to strangers on an MMO forum lmao.

Good luck.

This honestly seems to be the most common tactic, I saw that troll Lemonfont make a thread about anti-RDF yesterday and out of his 90 likes almost 50 or 60 were confirmed to be the same troll alts from RDF/GDKP or whatever his name was and people were calling it out the whole way.

It just makes me think most of these anti-RDF guys are trolls more than actual people who believe in it.


The antiRDF crowd, admitting they struggle with basic integers.

Here’s my very simple reply in the official post announcing their RDF stance. You’ll note my post is over 450 likes and still growing, while Blizzard’s own post - which announces much, much more than no RDF - has been sitting at slightly over 100 likes for quite some time.

There are plenty of threads that did better than that post, but I get that running out of fingers and toes to count so high can make the numbers seem unreal.


Im like this to the goons who are making demands by posting a bunch of threads about the same topic using hyperbole and whiny hollow threats to quit playing over something so trivial.

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Can’t wait to see him come up with some other half baked lie to dismiss it, good response :+1:


Most of these antiRDF trolls used to visit the TBC threads requesting an early implementation of RDF. And the majority of them would say the same thing:

“It’s a Wrath feature, it shouldn’t be in the game before Wrath!!”

And now that the geniuses™ at Blizzard have given them this, they are all too happy to drive the goalposts clear off a cliff.

Even Ion repeated an often disingenuous reply of “if you want RDF, it’s right there in Retail,” as if the sole difference between Classic and Retail is the existence of RDF.


I actually forgot he said this, the funniest part is that he used to be a massive forum troll back in the day before he got his position at Blizzard.

Makes sense why the trolls gravitate to that argument, birds of the same feather flock together.


Who honestly gives a christ what any youtuber or streamer thinks about anything.