"We're always open to feedback, but I doubt we'll change our mind on automatic dungeon finder."

Ha I actually believe it wasn’t as easy as we remember

In fact I think heroic Loken took more players heads than any other mob in the history of the game at some point

The thing is that we have over a decade of private server data and metas along with everyone being incredibly knowledgeable and more geared to min/max than before, this isn’t new content for most people so much like how Vanilla/TBC were incredibly easy to cheese Wrath will be no different.

If you wipe on heroic loken and see me posting you gotta tell me if you do though

Uh no? After ICC Wraths subs never dropped once. For a whole year WOTLK maintained or gained subs. They continued to stay at approximately 11.5-11.75 million and even went up for the last quarter of the year to 12 million. They only fell a couple of months into Cata because well Cata was a mess.

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By still being subscribed and playing wotlkc without rdf you are directly supporting no rdf with your wallet.


What does that have to do with the statement you quoted? That statement asks for proof to show an anti-RDF stance that’s actually popular and has credibility.

Staying subscribed despite no RDF does not mean you support it at all, that’s like saying because you’re subscribed you support every single they do which is nonsense.

I can live with no RDF. I just want 1 more statement from Blizzard so I can keep my current plans.

Or they can add RDF back in and I can change my current plans.

1 more Blue post. All I ask.

What people pay for has credibility.

People are paying for wotlkc without rdf.

Weither you intended it or not, having an active sub at this time directly supports no rdf.

So thank you for your support. As well as the 50k+ support just from the new realm.

Ok I’m gonna stop responding if your going to just give me dense answers that have zero logic whatsoever.

No one is subscribing for no RDF, you didn’t read the post nor are you here for an actual conversation.

I think you say that now but with no XP buff in a week and with how trash the Retail LFG tool is along with dungeon nerfs, leveling alts will be an absolute nightmare.

I do agree however there does need to be a blue post to address this, but I think they are seriously rethinking their opinions because if they double down it will lead to even more friction in the community.

I know its hard, but try reading past that first sentence.

It literally has no bearing on if you support RDF or not.

I already said it here:

Repeating the same nonsensical logical doesn’t make it correct.

I can live without WotLK. Or any other Blizzard product.

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You clearly dont know how paying for a company’s product directky supports said company and what they are doing.

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Supporting a company by paying them is not the same thing as paying them to support a specific feature they removed.

And also I do not pay for a subscription, all my game time comes from WoW tokens on Retail as I have a pretty healthy gold farm going on there.

I will play Wrath until DF comes out and jump ship seeing as half the original features of Wrath are not even in the game, the reason for me making these posts is to push for these systems to put back as that would mean myself and many more people can continue to play Wrath and not feel the need to find alternative games.

You also can’t post on here without a sub, if you want to leave feedback you have to pay which is yet another reason why someone might sub.

For the 3rd time, assuming anyone who subs supports anti-RDF is a complete nonsense take lol.

Ah yes, the far left ideology of : if this thing/person does not agree with my views, it means they are a troll/Nahzee/sexist/mysoginist/white supremacist/racist/insert label, there are no other logically possible explanations.

The tolerant, open minded people indeed.

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I don’t support either the Left or the Right, I believe in the Right wing ideals in the Left and the Left wing ideals in the Right.

Me calling out those who support anti-RDF as trolls was a mistake, I don’t think they’re ALL trolls and they have a valid point and I respect that opinion but in reality you are in the minority if you think like that.

A majority of players are affected by the minority which is where all the friction comes from, this is why you have people upset.

it doesn’t make sense because they’re obviously lying about the reason

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“But muh premades!”

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Once you start saying that anyone who disagrees with you is “trolling” You lost whatever point you are trying to make. Doesn’t matter what the topic is.

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I responded to this here:

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