Welp, They Added an Hour

Starbucks thanks you for paying $15 for a 75 cent cup of sugar


LMAO…this is why I come to the Forums…lol


Beat me to it. I was going to say I hope this is surprise guild bank fix.

It was confirmed by an EU post that this (should) be fixing the prepatch gear in the warbank though.

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oh deary me, what ever shall we do? I cannot believe it has come to this, an extra hour!

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You and me both…Next will come the demands for free game time…got my popcorn ready

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I hope so. My bank has been out of commission since it happened, because I can’t deposit anything because I don’t know which slots are taken up by invisible gear right now.

Same with the guild bank. We’ve had that emptied and shut down since before early access. And it’s getting frustrating.

My regular bank is fine. My warbank is fine except for my missing prepatch gear (confirmed to be a separate bug from the guild bank). Both of my personal guild banks are missing 2/3 of their stuff, and my actual guild is missing 2/3 of their stuff.

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The Bank fix will be tomorrows “scheduled maintenance”.


lol…you are most likely correct…lol

ooh get me a muffin

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Ah, another surprise maintenance. It’s like Christmas, but without the presents…


I guess the streamers aren’t don’t yet.

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Does anyone else rush to the forums during downtimes, just to chuckle at all the complainers? lol


no no it was scheduled :+1:

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100% Every time…lol

The amount of people swearing they will unsub must have Blizzard scared they will lose thier jobs…hence the extra hour to make sure they do it right…lol


Unfreaking real that they would now do a 3-hour maintenance on day 2.5 of the expansion, a day after another 3-hour maintenance. The servers are up and the game is running. Definitely bugs out there but nothing critical that I’ve seen. This should have been done way earlier in the morning smh.


I know this is shocking to many of you forum users, but some of us have jobs and would like to play the game.


How surprising.

shouldnt you be working instead of playing games? :thinking:

Ohh this means when the game comes back all the bugs are going to be fixed and no issues whatsso ever right? Right?