It’s not on the launcher, check in game breaking news.
Edit: they were finally bothered to put it on the launcher…
Edit: they have not added an hour today, as of yet… I just didn’t want to make yet another maintenence complaint thread…
It’s not on the launcher, check in game breaking news.
Edit: they were finally bothered to put it on the launcher…
Edit: they have not added an hour today, as of yet… I just didn’t want to make yet another maintenence complaint thread…
i was gonna check stuff guess not
i have to be at work
As always, thoughts and prayers.
It is now. Gotta completely exit out of the launcher and open it again. But yes, they slipped in that extra hour.
Noooo. Is day off, let unga bunga
Glad that this nerf for players that didn’t pay for EA has caused extended maintenance.
(For the record, I played EA, still rude af to the poors. And yes there’s probably more fixes than just that, but the optics are awful.)
I’m hoping they’re fixing my freakin’ banks.
Do you know what this means?! Do you really know what I am going to do now!!!
I’m going to Starbucks and getting me a Pumpkin Spice Chai…/cry
Golly gee, look at that, they put it on the launcher. Thanks, Blizz.
They always do
And for nothing. Leveling was fine. Anyone who wants a challenge can do heroics and mythics.
DevOps for this company has to be the cushiest in the industry. We took outages at 3am working at dial-up ISPs 30 years ago.
As long as its done in 4 hours when I finish work we’re good.
I must have amnesia or something, because I could have sworn we just had maintenance yesterday.
no way
i’m gaslighting you into thinking there was no maintenance yesterday
I really would like some blizz devs to talk about what they do on these maintenance windows. Don’t they QA their processes? Then apply them to production? What takes 3 hours? Running scripts against databases, reverting, updating the script, running again? Without any info from devs I’m assuming they’re pulling up the clown car and mucking with prod and their live environments.
OMFG THIS IS TOTALLY NOT OKAY BLIZZARD!!! We BETTER be getting our money back for these now 5 hours we have had ROBBED from us!@!! WE PAY a bloody MONTHLY FEE EVERY MONTH and this is how we are treated??? I swear if they dont gift us 5 hours game time im going to unsub RIGHT AWAY
It is on the launcher as I have been watching it and saw it change over to another hour of maintenance. lol
Pretty sure they are fixing the missing pre patch gear for half the player base that had it all deleted when official launch happened. Plus nerfing fun for the poors. Honestly the biggest tragedy of this extended downtime is going to miss a Beledar Spawn I hope blizzard will compensate me for my missed kill with the mount I was 100% going to get this kill…and def not the 20th warband ring I get every other kill…
The daily shutdowns/maintenance and crashes makes me even happier that I did Early Access (which was incredibly stable)