Theyre extremely negated by roots/snares and slows, and have less cc than every other melee
Lol’d, but the main point was that MM is hitting just as hard (if not harder?) and wasn’t nerfed, and mm has more mobility, more cc and is harder to get away from than arms are
you have 2 charges, the ability to intervene to a closer friendly, a leap, you can bladestorm roots, avatar roots, and if you’re gnome “most are” racial roots. you also have 2 stuns and a get out of fear free button for your whole team. Commanding shout also removes slows. What are you even saying, dude?
what’s that got to do with your inability to play warrior right and believe you’re wheelchaired? I swear war mains think their class in unplayable unless they’re unstoppable 1 shotting machines.
it shows… not sure why you’re trying to defend such a wierd stance then…
Hopefully it’s fine. I guess we’ll see. I’d prefer arms the go to spec for warriors. All I know is their rotational button “MS” shouldn’t be taking half your life. So hopefully they find a good balance.
i mean if they took all those buffs and put them into execute that be fine but as of right now exe is getting outdmged by slam lol. And that compensation 10% buff to exe is really just a 5% buff cause they nerfed exe dmg by 15% for arms.
Just line the hunter bro and it stops, no aimed shot bro it’s done.
This stupid line of logic has been peddled since at least BfA by crap like locks just telling you to move.
Beyond fried, Warrior is stupidly mobile and can almost match mage mobility when it’s not frost RNG rooting you every 3 seconds. Double charge, leap, bladestorm, avatar root break, berserker shout, etc.
Yes it should have, sorry warrior doesn’t get to just connect and obliterate someone for the crime of existing. MS isn’t the only thing hitting disgustingly hard. Overpower was also chunking. Why are their “builders” that reset and buff other things hitting for 1.5m+?
I dunno. I got 1.9m executes last season and a 2.3m this season, I don’t think slam is hitting that hard even with avatar and csmash.
I think main rotational abilities should be hitting the hardest and doing the bulk of everyone’s damage. They’re only getting those big MS’s every 45sec in sharpen windows
And you could go down the list of every melee and they all have similar gap closers/freedom-type abilities (or better), and most ranged also has available tools to negate those…
The ability was hitting too hard without sharpen… and chunking half someone’s life with a 50% ms attached to it was rediculous.
Do you even play this game? You’re on a level 70 with 6 posts.Are you that weird 1500 shaman who likes to tell everyone how the game should be played… even though you have limited experience on the game?
My main account got forum banned for a month… And I posted a clip earlier on a character that I was 2200 this season as BM (first season playing hunter), and 2050 on MM, and have been 2.4k+ in the past on rdruid. I’m not that great, but arms warriors really don’t feel like a big problem, and almost everyone has kind of gimmicky 1-shot goes right now that will surely smooth out with increased health pools/vers.
I also wasn’t even saying that MS wasn’t hitting hard, or even maybe needed adjustment, but heavy handed nerfs like -25% damage are just dumb. Small tweaks are much better, as are buffing underperforming classes vs nerfing overperformers
Acting like warriors are unkillable or unkitable just because they have 2 charges and a leap is kind of disingenuous. Without big burst, arms is basically doa and will just be 1-2% of the ladder over 2400 like they were this season
with the higher armor scaling coming next season and everyones hp doubling it was going to be perfectly fine. These nerfs were knee jerk reactions that are going to have to be undone over the course of next season. if i was to guess were gonna see multiple 3% buffs to both warrior dps specs sporadically throughout next season.
25% nerf on a 3 mil hit is still hitting 2.25 mil with a 50% ms attached to it. That’s before S2 scaling, of course…
in general, yes… but not for something that is way over performing.
Never said either of those things… In fact, I pointed out your disingenuous nature of you implying they’re a wheelchair class… which they most certainly are not.
Anyways, you seem like a troll poster … with that whole unironic attempt at implying I’m being disingenuous, when in reality you are. so I’m going to stop responding to you now.
man, another low level with almost no posts… coming to the defense of a different low level with almost no posts…who admitted to being banned for his actions. Something smells fishy here.
Which will end up being like 15-20% of next season’s HP pools
I’ll agree that it was maybe kind of hyperbolic, but I think warriors big avatar+colosus+ms or demolish goes are fairly telegraphed and easy to avoid or mitigate if you have a trinket and/or any movement ability at all, they aren’t just chucking out 3mil MS’s all game long
And this was still completely missing the original point that, yes, aimed shot is hitting for 3mil+, quite regularly in fact during trueshot, and you just completely zeroed in on the “wheelchair spec” part, which was kind of an exaggerated joke