Welp nerfs are coming

mortal strikes crit for 3 mil ~10-15% crit - during CS window, +2 min avatar CDs popped and ability ramping/overpower/execute stacking… 3 mil crit mortal strikes happen about 2% of the time… against cloth… so 2 out of every 100 Mortal strikes.

i was critting 3.5s on my warrior with just csmash and no avatar


so 15% of the time on cloth you will be critting for 2.6 mil now with cs and ramping. 75% of the time people don’t let you tee off in a CS window in arena with no reaction, either.

edit: my biggest MS crit on multiple dummy tests and 3 BGs logged, is 3.6 mil with All CDs popped , ability stacking + avatar.

If you’re mastery stacking then you only have a 10% chance to crit :stuck_out_tongue:

He didn’t face me, as seen in the post where I called him out to do so. You can find the link with a search. He’s just afraid. Also, many excuses. He made up a story about rogue this, rogue that, but will not ever show where or when he said that or my response. All fairy tales with this kld pr3d. He skipped his Haldol for the last 2 weeks.

Waiting a month for you to find one (1) willing healer.


overall 5% buff. lol

Riders is cringe will wait until last week of season to play dk again for the elite setx that was not fun buff sanlayn.

Where have I ever said anything about post rework ret

Lazarus types like he has a lisp.


  • Feral
    • Sunfire damage reduced by 40%.

Did I miss something?

  • Frost
    • Death’s Cold Embrace (PvP talent) now increases Remorseless Winter’s damage by 400% (was 750%).

Thank you.

I was hoping we would see better maelstrom generation or something with ele… sadge :frowning:

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Bow before your assa/affy overlords! and fear as the caster meta continues!

Srsly though they have really decided to just take every melee out back lured behind the barn with initial buffs and the idea that wow arena could have a fast pace burst meta again. Only to shoot us in the head with not only mostly melee nerfs across the board but a 5% hp buff for all as an extra “and stay down!”. its insane. rip participation again.

Yes. There was also a nerf to moonkin lycaras for feral because it was a dps gain for them to go into moonkin form and weave sunfire and use their kick to instantly go back to cat form for the mastery buff and sunfire dot.

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Warrior players endlessly think arms should do fury level damage while having infinitely more peels otherwise it’s not playable.

Give me one season where we have good warriors playing the game.

Well here’s a 3.6mil aimed shot I got yesterday:


And 3.9mil this morning:


fwiw arms does a lot of damage, but you can just move… Just turn around and run away. Heavy handed nerfs to the ground are just so silly it’s almost beyond comprehension. Idk why blizzard just seems to be allergic to 5% buffs/nerfs

hey yea buddy ur cooked

wasn’t allergic to it when they nerfed all our dmg by 5% the tuning patch before 11.1 came out.

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Ok you got me, I just think the game feels best when arms warriors are scary, and main abilities should hit hard. Warriors are basically a wheelchair spec as it is, they should chunk health bars if allowed uptime

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The last time mortal actually chunked was in season 1 or 2 of sls with necro banner charge one shot lol. Ever since it’s just been a sustain class that provides the biggest ms in the game. can’t even use intervene half the time cause of how much damage it takes aswell. Atp i just want a rework lol.

what? …

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Ive read this exact comment before this has to be another swifty one shot macro warrior