Welp nerfs are coming

20% MS nerf

15% nerf to Execute

then a 20% buff to execute

then a 30% nerf to the final hit of demolish.

“so much for them wanting MS to feel good and hard hitting”

Frost dks aren’t going to really have a kill window now and frost is gone.

mw no longer have crazy jade dmg.

idk i enjoyed the faster pace of the game now it’s going to go back to being slow.


I don’t feel so good, warriorbros.


They just enjoy over nerfing things, like nerf demolish that’s fine but why MS nerf one thing see how it goes then nerf something else or buff.

Good bye arms only fury can be a thing in wow now.

“even though fury is getting nerfs too.”

Feel like they missed some specs.


the majority of the nerfs are targeted at pve its really hard to pvp balance rn

arms doing crazy st

oh nvm those were pvp only


Ya but it just feels weird with arms getting MS nerfs, like can’t arms warrior feel fun to play and do dmg for a season this xpac.

Only in the off season and I understand the demolish nerf but the MS nerf is going to bring it closer to season 1 dmg, since the nerf to martial prowess is active.

i think targeting ms, slicing winds, overpowered barrier, and remorsless before the season started seemd reasonable


Demolish was def more the outlier in dmg for warrior.

ww is still going to do crazy dmg since that is the only nerf it got.

overpowered barrier was more of a learning curve for people to not hit for the 5 seconds it was up.

Remorseless was a frost dks only real kill window imo all they should have done was made it’s AoE smaller.

I dont agree with most of ur statements but it absolutely FRIES me when people type stuff like this.

When you cross the healer and the mage presses barrier are you just not gonna do damage during your kill window?


MS crits(and some hits) were egregious, OP barrier was OP, remorseless was chunking too hard.

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if he can only barrier for 5 seconds ya you can wait and have another kill window or swap and put pressure on the other guy. It’s not that hard to work around it.

while the rest of mage utility is coming off cd? idk man fried statement


Pretty weird how they left MM untouched. Guess they’re not ok with 2m mortal strikes but are super OK with 3m aimed shots


I mean bm went unnerfed all last season. Why not, right?

Melee range 3 million hit :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

40 yard range 3 million hit from stealth :hot_face:

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Why do they still buff bm hunters man

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Dog with talents you can have the barrier be a 20 second CD. So you have 15 second windows to damage a mage? An already elusive class? Shows you have poor game knowledge.


And the occassional 3.2mil Rapid Fire channel. And the occassional 1.8mil Black Arrow. From 47yds away. (shuffle / skirm numbers, not buffed BG #s).

I played a couple games on mine just to check out new talent tree with poo635 gear. Damage absolutely cranked, but it was probably the most boring dps experience I think I’ve ever had - I dunno who can enjoy that spec.

Brace for another season of Hunter domination, looks like the lead dev got himself a little Hunter main side chick he needs to please


I mean I’m still going to play warrior no matter what. They can lick my blade.

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Good changes! Honestly surprised warrior didn’t get hit harder