Ya but it just feels weird with arms getting MS nerfs, like can’t arms warrior feel fun to play and do dmg for a season this xpac.
Only in the off season and I understand the demolish nerf but the MS nerf is going to bring it closer to season 1 dmg, since the nerf to martial prowess is active.
if he can only barrier for 5 seconds ya you can wait and have another kill window or swap and put pressure on the other guy. It’s not that hard to work around it.
Dog with talents you can have the barrier be a 20 second CD. So you have 15 second windows to damage a mage? An already elusive class? Shows you have poor game knowledge.
And the occassional 3.2mil Rapid Fire channel. And the occassional 1.8mil Black Arrow. From 47yds away. (shuffle / skirm numbers, not buffed BG #s).
I played a couple games on mine just to check out new talent tree with poo635 gear. Damage absolutely cranked, but it was probably the most boring dps experience I think I’ve ever had - I dunno who can enjoy that spec.