Wellspring of the First Ones not showing up?

Wellspring of the First Ones is not showing up for me. I’ve completed through Chapter 3 and done all other side quests, but I can’t see this quest. Anyone else having this issue? Is there something I’m missing?


Same here, does not show up and all other content is currently completed.

Same problem here as well.

having the same problem hope its fixed soon so i can move on an be done out here. I have try logging out and that did not even help it.

Same problem for me aswell. hopefully a hot fix

It’s the last thing I need, other than Chapter 5, for flying.

same i’v worked my butt off all day for this to be done lol

Same not showing up for me either. Any blues?

Not showing up for me either. Last thing I need besides time gated chapter 5 to unlock flying. Also at friendly rep, to throw out that you need friendly for it to show up.

Same. It’s only the first bug I’ve come upon, thus far. :wink:

Same here… just need to complete “A return to Grace”. My assumption at this point is that it’s possibly time-gated till next week. Guess we shall see.

I am having the same issue, is it a time gated quest?

Same. Quest doesn’t show up. I’m on Malygos (NA).

Someone said on Tali’s stream that this questline is supposed to open next week.

Blizz please chime in. We need an update on this.

Not showing up for me

Has anyone figured out exactly why this quest isn’t showing up for some? I’m in the same boat.
