Well, when you're right, you're right!

The biggest constraint is normally the # of read posts, you can normally scroll trought big threads to earn that. If you can’t manage the other requirements you don’t really use the forum much.

When I want to link something, I just put a ’ or a ~ in front of it. Let’s me do it then.

Okay? I don’t like how they handled their political move.

No amount of whining in your poorly made block of text full of grammar errors is going to change my mind.

How about you come back with something that doesn’t hurt my eyes to look at by using paragraphs and shorten your post to get to the point and then we can talk.

Half your points are completely false anyway and ones I have already elaborated on. Re read my posts and then come back. I’m not repeating myself just because you take thirty minutes to make gigantic posts that read like crap.

You’re in good company. I think most of us are screwed.

Speaking your mind should never be punishable. The penalty was wrong to begin with and the winner should never have been ripped off of his winnings.

Blizzard doesn’t respect it’s playerbase. You’ll see this eventually. It took me awhile to catch on.

Eventually everyone does. Til they change that, they’ll continue to alienate their customers.

Exactly, Extrathicc. When I saw that, I started skimming over it because it just reads like an excuse.
A lame one.

They don’t respect their playerbase.

Nope, that’s my response to the OP’s post.

Facts? Your facts are one sided at best and when you force those views on others and harass them for remotely thinking otherwise or disagreeing, you are bullying

Once again, this is a game forum, not a political stage. If there were a block/ignore function, then at least folks like me can choose to ignore folks like you.

Until then, you are forcing your real life political views at the expense of others who come here to discuss and play a game

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“facts are one sided and force views onto others, harassing them for remotely thinking otherwise towards these facts. Facts are bullying”

Mind sharing some “two sided” facts for me then?

Everything is political.

Guess what, you can choose not to read my posts without a bot doing it for you.

lmao. You could at least try to sound convincing.

No because this is not the forum for it. It is again, a game forum. Something your sheep like brain just can’t seem to comprehend

No this game isn’t about real life politics. You are manipulative and are dressing it up as one.

I don’t have to? The fact in this thread is that I responded to the OP my agreement. You really should take your own advice instead of bullying everyone who doesn’t agree with your political agenda


"In the tournament itself blitzchung played fair. We now believe he should receive his prizing. We understand that for some this is not about the prize, and perhaps for others it is disrespectful to even discuss it. "

Case closed for me, in a good way. I just wanted the dude to receive his cash prize for using HIS SKILL to Win a tournament, and then to have it get stripped away over a not-so-big issue, was totally unfair and glad they figured that out and reversed it

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I think, well I know actually, that you missed my point entirely when I made it two days ago.

I said, Blizzard wouldn’t fully retract their penalty and would in fact reiterate their points.

I’m not blind to why they did it, that would be foolish.

They quite literally, cited the exact rule and clarified how it was broken. Exactly as I said they would.


Don’t ever quote YouTube personalities in a discussion. YongYea, Babyface, etc., literally only make clickbait so idiots watch their stuff so they can make money. They aren’t actual journalists and literally know no more about the industry than the average player.

But hey, if this makes you feel better about yourself, go for it.

Either way, my point still stands.

Said Blizzard would change penalty, they did.
Said Blizzard would clarify the rules, they did.
Said the issue would fade away as the outrage mob confronted reality, it’s already happening.

Can we go back to actual gaming discussions now?

Because I’m fairly certain that all of you claiming to have quit or uninstalled aren’t actually doing so and care more about sticking it to the man than actually standing by your principles.

(otherwise you wouldn’t be here)

The money wasn’t for Blitzchung, it was to appease the people upset with the Blizzard pro China response. A 6 month competitive ban is still pretty crazy when the guy expressed support for his nation. If someone from the U.S. won a tournament and said “God bless the USA” do you think they would get a 6 month ban? Absolutely not. The prize money is meant to show that Blizzard is “listening to the outrage” and the 6 month ban is to appease China.

The reality that so many here obviously fail to understand.

The forum that he used to spread his political message was a gaming platform. Not a political one.

Blizzard responded literally the same way any business would if you used their promotions to go and push your own cause.

Just ask Kaepernick how that NFL contract is coming.
Or the Starbucks employees who were fired for refusing to serve police officers because they disagreed with how police do their job.
Or the other Starbucks employees who were fired for asking officers to leave the building because they were making people feel uncomfortable.
There are literally hundreds of examples you can find online of people getting fired or reprimanded for spreading their politics at work.

Anyone, at any time, can be fired from their job if they do not represent their job correctly, more specifically, if you use that job to push your own agenda, you WILL get fired.

It’s excruciatingly sad that this needs to be explained to Americans, but I always underestimate how bad the education system is here in America apparently.

As this topic, like Blizzard’s gaming event in Taiwan, has been co-opted by people trying to spread their own political message, I’ve decided to no longer Watch this thread.

If people want to have an actual discussion, I’m game.

Just check your feelings and emotions at the door.
Come prepared with facts to back up any claim you make.
And please, please for the love of yourself, really ask yourself is this the hill you want to die on? (Not literally of course, but figuratively)

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Not everything is about sharing views about subjects you agree or disagree with.
There’s a theory this was done all by the people in charge of Blizzard at China, it holds some water since it was done very quickly. I honestly don’t see the so called “salvage” being attempted at the response.

It actually came out faster than I thought it would.
Normally these things would have to be looked at by lawyers, shareholders, board of directors, etc., before ever being provided to the public.

I was expecting it late Sunday, early Monday morning

Except they only gave someone who cheated at a tournament only a three month suspension. So it shows what they really prioritize in “keeping people in line.” That is of course chinas money.

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You don’t have anything do you. Nice ad-hominem though.

Boy you might want to look back on some of the political parallels in the most recent story and the fact that Blizzard hosts a game called Overwatch which is based in the real world and has political figures in it like soliders and rebellion leaders.

Sorry if facts are hard to accept.

lmao “support human rights” is a political agenda now?

Didn’t see it. I don’t know everything that goes on in the forums. Sorry.

Yeah except their clarification was pretty terrible.

Does having a youtube channel immediately discredit your opinion? Must be convenient for you when not a single one is agreeing with you.

Living contradiction to that one right there.


I disagree. I’m here to raise awareness. We’ve already had a drastic drop of people deleting their accounts.

But your argument is super convenient isn’t it.

If there are tons of posts it’s:

If we delete our accounts and don’t post it’s:

You’re a two faced pain in the rear.

Pick one.

Are people not deleting their accounts not true to the cause. Or is the lack of posts due to deleted accounts the “outrage mob confronting reality”

You can’t say “Your activity proves you don’t care” while also saying that “the lack of activity proves you don’t care”.

Pick one.

Everything is Political.

Wrong. Epic literally posted a statement saying they would NOT do what Blizzard did in their situation.

Wrong again. Epic statement.

wow. Do I really need to respond to this? You are acting like a total “jerk”. There are much stronger words I would like to say about this stance you’re taking here.

Piss off.

Says the person insulting America’s education system and treating everyone like they’re some kind of stupid monkeys. Get out.

I did. you didn’t. Piss off.

Yes. Because Screw the Chinese Government and their Human Right’s Violations.

I can’t believe I have to deal with these kinds of people. Here’s a link to the Hong Kong humanitarian aid site where you can donate. I need to spread some good in the world while people like you are trying to tear everyone else down…

https ://612fund.hk/zh/donate

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I am sure it was, they probably had meeting everyday for the last week to find a good way to post the response while explaining all the reasoning.

All i’ll say is: i agree with the message from the player, i disagree with the method.
Some may take it as a good message, but at the same time others will see it as trying to incite uproar, and on a platform meant for joy and entertainment i don’t agree with using it for that. That’s the whole point of the rules, not to silence or take a side.
Please do not twist my stance.

It’s extremely common to have pride for your country at a sporting event. So much so that almost every sporting event starts with the national anthem(s) of the teams or players. These are not political events either. It’s also common after the games for players to carry their country’s flag, and to thank their country and their god in post match interviews. Again, these are sporting events, not political or religious forums.

I guarantee that Blizzard wouldn’t have punished any other player who expressed support or pride for their country as long as it’s not Hong Kong.


anyone who insists as Elradrierion does that no one is actually uninstalling or deleting is delusional. people are, its not fake, stop acting so smug. my own sub runs out in 4 days, im sure others are waiting theirs out too, and thats why they are still on the forums, to say their peace about their disappointment.

and if were being real here, even the youtubers who typically side with blizzard on these scandals are saying that they did wrong, and that this was in part politically motivated, if you think it wasn’t you’re wearing blinders.

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