Well, when you're right, you're right!

Elra, I used your link and tyvm for providing it.

As for the ranking aka trust levels, that’s also called social engineering. That’s another thing that annoys me about Blizzard as they could have just gone with a different, simpler format for the forums instead of this.

Anyway, I’m glad to have read that. It really made me mad when Blitzchung lost the money he’d earned.
So that goes a ways in fixing this mess.

Imo, a different or tweaked forums would go further. Remove the trust levels, let everyone post links, etc… and stop limiting likes.

Now that would be wonderful.

More people were watching that cast at that time.

And another thing I find somewhat interesting: if Every Voice Matters, how could Blizzard have been so ignorant of the tensions running through Taipei at that very moment?

“Yeah, there are have been massive pro-democracy protests and shootings going through HK for the past month, but we’re sure it’s no big deal.”

If every voice truly mattered, wouldn’t they have known something like this was going to happen because they’d be listening to their fans from HK?

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You know you could fix that really easily if you stopped being so quick to oppose people’s arguments and insult them.

Like you’re more reasonable than you usually appear to be.

I’m pretty divisive but I’m at least Rank 2.

Good luck with Rank 3 though the requirements are KILLER.

There are different rules for those - someone went to the bother of looking that up.

I actually think they’re pretty neutral actually

Of course you’re going to be around, I’d expect no less from that spine. Good, you’ll get to see some of us transmog that sweet RAF outfit when it comes.

Yeah I do :man_shrugging:

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You said it was his one shot. I just pointed out it wasn’t. We can argue numbers that neither of us can prove but the fact remains he has many followers from all over the world.

Man I don’t know how you still believe that but that’s your choice.

I’m here to spread donation links and awareness. Stop trying to bully me into deleting my account please. That isn’t going to help.

Don’t care.

If you’re not going to listen to me why should I listen to you?

First, you’re the one that decided to pick on my post.

Second, you’re the one bullying people into aligning with your view, in a game forum.

Lastly, there is a merged thread for this already and, clearly other social platforms that you can use to spread awareness

Because you were baiting people to be upset with you.

lmao not true in the slightest. I spread factual information. If you’re delusional enough to think that telling people the facts is “bullying them into aligning with my view” then yeah sure that’s what I am doing.

I do? Why can’t I do it here too?

You’re really weird and I can’t tell if it’s because you’re trying to be super edgy or a troll.

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The fact that you believed this statement shows how dumb you are. the reason he said it had nothing to do with the situation is that it would be terrible optics to admit to the fact, doesn’t stop it from being the obvious truth.

Didn’t even need a wait day to get this statement debunked:

You guys need to stop believing everything you read from Blizzard. Like a little critical thinking would save you a lot of grief.

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The requirements are stupid. I got a suspension for laughing at something I thought was a joke but it wasn’t.

That’s no reason to suspend someone. It’s just stupid. Social engineering, credit rating nonsense.

They are stupid.

Completely true.

It’s kind of telling when their tier 3 is disproportionately harder to achieve than tier 2 and also includes the ability to post LINKS. A basic ability ANY forum will let you do.

Don’t get me started on uploading images which 100% of other forums allow you to do natively.

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I’ve gotten 3 or 4 vacations at this point and still hit level 3. I don’t know how well the flags they have set up for their social engineering experiment are working.

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Don’t think they remove trust level 3 unless you did something very, very stupid. Atleast anymore, I know at the beginning they did.

You may have gotten level 3 before you got your flags? Idk. I’ve also heard that when your sub runs out, you can still post on the forums but that wasn’t true for me a month ago.

Idk, maybe I’m special.

I mean that I only earned it recently, after multiple suspensions. Their official requirement list says that you can’t have been suspended from the forums.

There was no official statement I think about trust levels on the wow forums. The only time they explained it was on the overwatch forums ages ago.

Maybe the day suspensions don’t count?

That’d be nice. Though it would still be impossible to reach. Trust 3 is just so ridiculous with it’s requirements but if you only need to reach them once that’d be nice.

[quote=“Friosis-moon-guard, post:162, topic:330635”]
Not bend to China’s whims would be a good start.
[/quote] That’s not how it works,they’re not bending to China’s whims,they’re following protocol that ALL businesses do when doing work overseas with them Jesus tap dancing Christ do you kids these days not know how business management works?! It isn’t as easy as you make it. When you work with a different country you have to abide by their rules no matter the country,if someone’s from overseas and they were collaborating with an American company on American soil then they’d have to abide by our laws,in this case the employees who work overseas on Chinese soil and collaborate with these Chinese companies those countries laws have to be complied with or they risk not only losing business,but having their product banned and if it’s as dire as people are making it out to be then also risk being arrested. Think of it this way you go to another person’s house for dinner,you make sure you are proper with your prayers and table manners,if these people however are seen kicking their dog it’s best to grin and bear it even though you’re not keen about what they did. While you may be in the right to say something you’re in that very person’s house,you risk getting kicked out and most likely have a bad rumor spread about you to your neighbors.

Blizz in this case is that guest and don’t want to be kicked out of that house and don’t want their livelihoods ruined or alienate a loyal playerbase because China decided to ban their product. At the end of the day,Blizzard is a gaming company trying to distribute goods worldwide,and in doing so HAVE to stay politically neutral in which this hearthstone player made difficult by DELIBERATELY disobeying a rule he had signed an agreement to comply to. Break rules,be punished That can be applied anywhere and nobody is absolved of this addage.

Blizzard at least ascertained that the punishment was too harsh,reduced it and gave him the prize he earned and can come back to play in any tournament once six months pass,the shoutcasters have their jobs back soon to that so the issue should be resolved given from what I’ve read lurking,that’s all what most people wanted [until they realized being armchair revolutionaries gave them hearts]

By how,participating in cancel culture potentially robbing people out of their jobs should it get severe and increasing the already heavy poverty problem here? What you don’t understand is gaming outside of a fictitious RPG plot aren’t meant to be politicized. They’re made to be good clean fun and a means to take your mind off of a bad day,play and enjoy yourself just as movies,radio,comics and and cartoons were made to be entertainment. If you’re so concerned about human rights how about actually doing something productive given boycotting things rarely ever works [and with China you’d have a HUGE list]

You can volunteer at homeless shelters,if there’s a business or a foundation that supports the plight of those suffering in the world,shop or make a donation there,go out and lobby for fairness and better means to solve the poverty problems that have kids going to bed hungry,donate to charities like Charity Water who go out and dig wells so impoverished children around the world can have clean drinking water and their families can grow crops to feed their kids [given their food is stolen by warlords to feed their troops] Waging a crusade against a game company and hashtag slacktivism however in comparison to far worse issues,is just dumb and asinine. Actual actions help human rights,not trying to make a game company and its employees who most likely had frack all to suffer in the name of “justice”.

The same thing can be said about bias and yours is clearly showing ,just sayin’.