Well, when you're right, you're right!

Yup. Literally unsubbed and deleted WoW because of this. It’s just China shills defending China/Blizz.

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I have to say pot meet kettle. You do remember telling another poster they were running out of boots to lick right? You’re doing nothing for your credibility here.

This, I have to respond to.
Everything else you said was nothing more than the flailing of a petulant child.
I’ve already donated funds, and have since April, good on you for doing the same.

Now as for me tearing people down.

I genuinely, with every fiber of my being.

Do not care what anyone here does or does not do. Play the game, don’t play the game. Stay subbed, un-sub.

At the end of the day, it literally does not matter to me.

My only issues are two things:

  1. Those “protesters” have no consistency, lack authenticity and have literally no understanding of the world and how geopolitics actually works. They actually believe that their little tantrum will actually bring change to the world. It won’t. Literally while you people were arguing, the President of America was bragging about the awesome deal he made with China.

This consistency you lack, it’s because you don’t actually care about the issues at hand. You really only care about sticking it to Blizzard because you disagree with how they do business. You people say Blizzard needs to put out a statement. They did. You said they need to reduce the penalty. They did. Now you say their statement is hollow and you want them to do more.

No you petulant child, they don’t. Blizzard (and no other company in the world) is not beholden to you or the ravings of any other petulant child that wants to make a post in a forum or on social media.

  1. My primary reason for posting, and you can look through my posts to when I first get involved in a discussion, has ALWAYS been in response to someone on here posting an opinion as if it was a fact without providing any evidence to support their claim. This is a major faux pas and is no better than the filth we see on mainstream media, YouTube personalities and on Reddit.

If you are going to make an argument, provide support for that argument. When you are confronted with alternate facts, don’t get belligerent, try and learn from it. So many of you “protesters” are still foolishly strutting around that Blizzard put out a statement in support of China, when this was clearly debunked, but you moved the goal posts. Which is something that people like you, Friosis, do on a regular basis.

Back to my point. I get involved in these initially because one side of an issue is belligerent and lacks and facts or decorum when having a discussion. I come in and I (for lack of a better word atm) rectify the situation. Prove the offending party wrong and laugh in amusement as they resort to petty insults before walking away.

You and I specifically, Friosis, have had several discussions in which I have thoroughly thrashed you in threads, yet you still continue. I have no doubt at all that you piecemeal quotes from this post, have a snide remark that you think is rather witty, attempt to prop yourself up all big and strong like.

Just remember. I don’t actually care. I made my point long ago and literally, the more you post, the more you reinforce my point.

That went longer than expected, which I apologize for.

Now, a disclaimer.

Anymore responses from you to me, that are not supported by actual facts, will be reported as trolling because at this point, over the last 3 hours of posts, all you are doing in this thread is verbally attacking people you disagree with.

Grow up dude. Go outside or something.

Where the hell were you when I was getting flamed alive in this thread?

I make ONE post saying ONE person who is CLEARLY Trolling is a bootlicker and suddenly you feel you have the right to drag it into another thread where I have been getting flamed?

LITERALLY look above you and a guy is insulting americans for being stupid and having bad education.

Just shut up.

You literally implied all Americans were idiots because they have a terrible education system.

Where the hell do you get off?

Mate. I think you need to go back. Look back on your posts where you’re calling americans stupid for having bad education systems and “petulant children” and reconsider your stance.

I think you need to do that. Take a chill pill. I’m not the one who called everyone that disagrees with them “petulant children”.

Then in 5 days, we better not see another post from you then right?

Nobody is saying their response wasn’t politically motivated you ninny.
We all know it was.
What it does not do is invalidate their position.
The kid broke a rule, was punished.
End of story.

Stay or go, up to you.

But if you’re actually leaving, just go already?

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What happened to putting this thread on ignore.

You need to chill the hell out.

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I sure do have my own views but like a child, you have to be reminded that this is a game forum.

Overwatch is a game, not a parallel association to the political events that are occuring in real life. If your mental condition wasn’t clear before, it is now.

You hide under the pretext of that, and on the other hand, harass those who have opposing views to you. There are also countless other human rights issues, convenient how you’re suddenly the champion of human rights now on one specific issue.

You’re a shrill and a bully, looking for social virtue brownie points to compensate for something you don’t have.

Just shut up? Sorry facts hurt you so. Fact is two wrongs don’t make a right. Be the bigger person and take the high road or call people boot kickers and defend yourself by saying others are name calling. Again it does nothing for your argument or credibility. Sorry to rattle your cage so much.

Politics are inherent to everything. Also you are STILL using Ad-hominem in this very quote.

Overwatch is influenced by politics. Also nice Ad-Hominem, are we going for five in a row now?

Blizzard isn’t involved in any of those other ones so it’s kind of weird you expect me to talk about them on a Blizzard forum.

half the people on your side have been stating it pretty matter of factly, and you even imply as much in your first ten posts.

and while he may have broke the rules, its quite literally the perfect example of a catch all, so everyone pointing at “see! he broke the rules” arent really making their point any stronger.

people aren’t exactly mad that a punishment was given, its that it was obviously too harsh, by like a mile, and there was a very obvious reason why that was the case. if it had just been a one month suspension with a softened official stance that was amicable to both sides in this debacle, i doubt there would be much of a fuss.

as far as leaving, how long it takes for me to leave is not up to you.


No it isn’t. Games, like sports are a place where ppl can put aside their differences and enjoy something.

You want to use it as a political soap box to force the topic and your views

I wonder if you just learnt a new word and are trying to use it as much as you can. :thinking:

Clearly reading comprehension isn’t your strongest point since you keeping missing the one where this is a game forum about a game

You’re just wrong I am sorry man.

If you think Sports is a good analogy for a “game free of politics” I am afraid you’re quite wrong:

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_and_sports

I don’t think you understand what AD-hominem is because you’re doing it again here and


If anyone is having difficulty understanding the message it’s you.

Games are political. Deal with it.

Since when is expressing support and pride for your home nation a political soap box that forces the topic and your views?

No they aren’t, you should learn to deal with the fact that this is a game forum.

Oh you must loathe how a number of us actually like Blizzard, the games they produce and feel they were justified in their approach.

Sadly you are wrong.

Games are political. Blizzard made a political stance. I’m sorry man but you’re just wrong. Literally thousands of people will tell you your wrong.

Are you going to even address the fact I debunked your statement that sports aren’t political?

I like blizzard. I love their games.

But I do not feel that way. And many, many people agree with me.

Feel free to browse https://www.reddit.com/r/HongKong/ and look at the 300k people who don’t agree with Blizzard.

That is your view, not mine.

A Wikipedia link = debunking? You do realise that even Wikipedia states that it should not be used as a source of truth

As for sports and also, sportsmanship. There is quite a big difference with sports being a means for diplomacy between different nations and using it as a platform to bend others to their will.

You’re attempting to blur the meaning of it with a publicly curated link to support your view that sports and games are fine to be used as political platforms to force a political view onto others.

It is not and it never will be ok to do that.

Very well said. I agree.

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That does not make up the view of everyone I’m afraid. Or is it a validation for what is happening as right or wrong

They quit the tournament after given their next match like it was business as usual. They said they would forfeit the match. Slightly different.

So. 300k people’s view is unimportant because it’s not “everyone”.

I’m not going to keep arguing with you. You’re clearly too far gone into your beliefs to be reasoned with.

Here’s a link to donate to Hong Kong Humanitarian Aid: https ://612fund.hk/zh/donate

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