Well, we're in Microsoft town now

All hail and all praise our new Redmontonian Overlords!

Lets join together to welcome them to Azeroth!

/moo :cow:



Good. I don’t even care if Microsoft ruins all the games I’m just glad Bobby’s gone. Don’t let the door hit ya where the Cataclysm split ya, Bobby!


No no. Let it. It would be very funny.


He isn’t gone yet. He’s sticking around at least til the end of the year.

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I think this helps WoW massively. They will almost certainly add it to Steam now, and they won’t tolerate this game going in the gutter.

I think they will incorporate WoW subscription into PC GamePass also.


Well what they will do is keep things that are profitable and ditch those that are not.

In our favor, WOW has a large dedicated following of people who love this game and love playing it. That includes CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of the game.

Against us are echo chambers of anger, rage and negative advertising in the forums by a minority of players whose echos make it appear they speak for “the players”. Asmongold / Bueller type CCs who spew out negative advertising to farm clicks from those people don’t help either.

Constructive criticism is great, it’s good for the game but saying “The devs hate us, this game is terrible” is NOT constructive criticism and only chases people away who might otherwise try out the game.


I highly doubt they raise the sub cost. If anything they will consider FTP, or no-sub.

It’s more likely they give incorporate WoW sub into GamePass - and probably even consider getting WoW onto Xbox.

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Seems even more difficult to micro-manage things.

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Yea, I wouldn’t expect direct micromanagement or things like “Hey, give warriors a nerf to charge” or things of that nature.

More like
 funding issues. Oh hey we have brand new Microsoft Whatsihoosit. We could add some funding for WoW if you have a dedicated team to Whatsihoosit Integration and maybe we’ll also stop complaining so much that your devs are allocating time to expense work items instead of capitalization, etc. Lots of indirect things that would end up turning the game in certain ways.

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Game Pass Ultimate please.


didnt micosoft mostly abandon kinect as a platform in 2015-2017? havent seen a single game for it in at least 5 years.

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uhm bill gates hasnt really been involved with microsoft in over 15 years now. didnt he retire completely from it around 2008/2009?


yes due to how buggy it was and did not work most of the time
they jumped the gun on that trying to compete with the playstation version

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the way i heard it both versions sucked. playstations was only somewhat better than microsofts.

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Hot Take: Fable 3 was inferior to Fable 1 and 2.

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But if it wasn’t for the Kinect
 we wouldn’t have all those silly ghost hunter shows using DOTS projectors
 because they saw it in a movie about a ghost haunting.

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never had the playstaion but had the kinect and the voice command did not work well with skyrim lol and trying to get you in the small camera was also a pain

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i dont think thats really a hot take. are there seriously people who think that games a good rpg? its more of an adventure game with rpg elements than an actual rpg. honestly fable was always more adventure action orienteted than anything else.

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