Well, we're in Microsoft town now

Sadly… yes. I was around some people a few weekends ago and this subject came up.
Some people haven’t played good games… and until they do… they should refrain from having a opinion about what makes a game good.


Well Fable went to crap because over-promiser and under-deliverer Peter Molyneoux left.

Conker was never that popular and most the things people remember Rare fondly for, well, those people had already left before the acquisition.

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rare went down the gutter when microsoft acquired them. nintendo made a really bad decision there. then again nintendo likes to make decisions that ruin gaming for consumers as a whole.

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i cant wait until master chief is a raid boss and our new mounts are jeep wranglers and can am x3’s from forza

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Uhhh I can’t wait til we get dragonriding using the Forza engine…


I think there is a serious shot at console release for WoW. The console port addon is very strong - and the Xbox market is big.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Nintendo also makes some of the most beloved games on the planet so I don’t think they really care, haha! Tears of the Kingdom has sold nearly 20 million copies and the thing is only available on the Switch, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Except for the fact that Microsoft probably wouldn’t let addons on console and definitely not weakauras with what you can do with it. All it means is I just have to sit here and filter console players out of my groups. Not to mention the game would be dumbed down to a depressing state because of controllers. It works for FFXIV because of the 2.5s gcd and the highest apm specs in that game match WoWs lowest.

Healing would have to entirely be redesigned from the ground up too with because of how much faster healing is in this game + having to cycle targets whereas in FF healers are literally just DPS with aoe heals. Not to mention controllers aren’t going to target swap fast enough to get 1-1.5s stops or kicks in keys either in a pack of 10-15 mobs.

People will just end up using a WA / addon that tells you somebody is on console and they’ll just essentially be blacklisted from all content above world / lfr.


GD it… I just changed into my Outrage Slippers for another thread…let me go put on my Quaking In My Boots boots. :smile:

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Don’t forget your falling into despair hat.

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I can’t say I know much about it, but that would make sense. Would be a relatively easy way to possibly pull in more subscribers.

Lot of ppl, including myself, know Bill Gates has nothing to do with MS but the joke wouldn’t be the same if we say Satya Nadella needs a need yatch, many ppl don’t even know who’s that guy and they often associate MS with Gates.

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Wow will never be on a console unless they dumb it down to Diablo.

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Correct. The amount of time that Blizzard management has allowed their UI to be a complete laughing stock is far too long. Microsoft management won’t let half of the lazy crap slide by that has been happening for the last decade.

You’re right about healing. I’ve been trying to get mythic plus healing to work on steam Deck for a few months now and it’s a major hurdle. That’s an actual problem.

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You dont really understand how this works do you?

They bought Activision blizzard, Microsoft will not be involved in the development of WoW

Remeber when all the clowns said Activision will be changing wow…


no!! they will! bill gates will personally be writing quest text and porting WoW to xbox and putting it on gamepass!! i know a lot about business!!

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And if I’m remembering right, Rare focuses solely on Sea of Thieves because that’s what they decided to do.

And like, Sea of Thieves is a decent game (until you take PvP to a sweatlord level, which they’re supposedly addressing soon), but it’s no Viva Pinata 3. I’m kind of hoping they let some of the new arrivals use their IPs. I’d love to see Toys for Bob do a Banjo-Kazooie, for example.

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Lol, if that’s what you think…
Pinch his cheek, oh you’re so cute.

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I agree, I thought i was the only one who thought this lol.

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