Well, we asked for this

Yeah, but many of us are adults and don’t need platitudes.

No they definitely said rework for hunters.

They said there would be changed to the talent tree. Not update package whatever that means. But honestly it doesnt matter. We will find out in a week and if its amazing changes i might pick it back up.

We desperately need a rework, not a simple tuning change. If we don’t get an actual rework and finally get some animation updates, I’m honestly going to be pissed.

We know that if they give us a tuning change, they’ll ignore us for the rest of the expansion.

They absolutely should acknowledge us. 100%

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They did, they are reworking Shamans. That is all you need to hear. Feeling the need for some “groveling” from Blizzard says a lot about your character. Just accept the rework and move on with your life.

I’m not saying they need to. I was simply stating that it would have been nice. Plus the way Blizzard has historically treated Shaman there is concern that whatever they give us will fall flat. If you’d played Shaman for any notable length of time you’d know this too.

As a consumer of the product there is a certain level of transparency that would be nice.

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I don’t mind the overall enhancement playstyle, but the excessive global cooldowns on a few abilities need to be removed. Literally everything except our major defensive ability has a global cooldown. Compare that to rogues and a few other classes. It’s totally unfair and kind of obnoxious for a melee toon.

Personally, I think totems should NOT have a global cooldown.

And needing to always open with flame shock gets old :slight_smile:

I have I just don’t share in your need to have Blizzard apologize to us. A rework is sufficient enough. I also wasn’t raised by a Karen though.


It would be pretty dope if Primo Wave got moved to Shaman tree or down the spec tree and consolidate it’s subsequent talents in to one or two.

ENH windfury Single Target and AOE needs to be viable. Totemic hero talents look like they want you to play those specs but it still doesn’t really make sense. There is literally no point left to get WF totem. Make WF totem baseline and same with Feral Jump.

I only been playing ELE for about two weeks but it’s obvious they need the Destro lock level spec tree rework.


They need to combine Feral Lunge and Gust of Wind into one ability and simply give it two charges like mage blink. It would reduce our keybind bloat by one and still give us the same mobility.

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Absolutely not. For Enhance, there are moments where I would want just Feral Lunge and NOT Gust of Wind. Quite literally fine if they have Feral Lunge baseline and the choice node between Gust and Sprit walk is there. Resto or Ele can kick rocks.

Oddly enough there are no times I want feral lunge over gust. I’m good at using gust to get to my target. I guess that’s a problem for some players. I prefer the full freedom of blinking anywhere I want rather than directly to my target all the time.


I take it you never did old Mythic Raz on Enhance.

Haven’t done a mythic dungeon all expansion. Got tired of it in Shadowlands and never looked back.

So you have a very narrow and skewed view if you don’t do M+ or Heroic and higher raiding. And I’m talking about a mythic raid fight. That being said I’m coming from the Enhance perspective where Spirit Walk was always better than Gust in raid except for quite literally 3 exceptions. Same for M+. Feral Lunge + Spirit Walk was way better for Mythic Razageth than Feral Lunge + Gust given the movement demands for melee and for us to deal with mechanics.

Great attitude bro. “F$%$ you as long as I get mine”.


Quite literally I am saying just give Feral Lunge to all specs. Combining the buttons would be worse all over. Making it baseline and having the choice node between Spirit Walk and Gust is better though they can move it down.

The kick rocks statement refers to once again, Ele and Resto players want to Enhance to quite literally kick rocks by continuing to suggest changes that only benefit them and hamper Enhance. It’s quite literally them saying:

Love all the tourist Shaman cooks.

Ok, my bad. There’s just a lot of snark on the forums that isn’t needed. I don’t think they would ever give feral lunge to resto or ele. It would be better to do something with gust of wind and the other talent ‘thunderous paws’(removes snares and boosts movement speed). You don’t need to add anymore abilities, just improve upon pre-existing designs.

Not even sure what this means, but if it’s some little purity test, where you’re one of the “true shamans” and I just dabble, just stop.

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It’s more people make suggestions about Shaman coming from a shallow point of view without considering gameplay ramifications because they don’t main the class/spec. Like lot of people just say “just add 2hand in” for Enhance without thinking of what that actually means for balance, gameplay, loot acquisition, and changes needed for it to make it viable on a gameplay side and then essentially spit in your face when you try to talk about those things. Not a purity test but it is kinda aggravating when people who don’t main a class try and make all these takes about a spec you are really invested in that can have ramifications while not even considering your concerns.

I think the main thing is moving it further down or just straight removing Winds of Al’Akir and making the CDR baseline for it. IT is incredibly dumb that Feral Lunge is not baseline for the class since it would allow for more movement flexibility and options. Combining buttons is nice for the actionbar but more often than not leads to reduced flexibility and agency for the player.

Thunderous Paws is actually what they should aim to do. It just simply adds additional functionality to an already existing ability. I do wish they did something to Spirit Wolf talent though because that DR is painful to AFK for 4 seconds for.

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