Well torghast is a huge failure

Playing on my rogue

You lock me in a room with a boss who summons adds, does 5 percent of my max hp in damage every few seconds, auto attacks deal 15 oercent of my max hp per second, immune to half my cc, moves faster than i do. There is literally nothing i can do to outplay this boss.

If he didnt summon adds i could kite. If he didnt chunk my hp i could weave with shadow dance and hp potions.

But no he counters everything. You literally put no thought into class balance here and though everyone must be playing op hunters or paladins to be able to beat this. So half an hour wasted. Thanks blizz, just another failure upon all your other failures


You can find a group and do it again.

From what I understand it was made as group content so its not balanced to be soloable by all classes.

I had some problems but I used hero, pots, flask, weapon oil, and had to time my cc’s perfect even still one more hit and I would have died.


Or spriests apparently, because I have no problem in Torghast. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Well yea spriests are way overtuned right now s+ in everything

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Priests in general seem to be cruising through. I think the self heals really go a long ways. Disc is literally EZMode, I don’t even have to look at the screen. Someone in another thread said they were having just as easy of a time in holy of all things :joy:

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Yea, the self healing spriests can pull off is crazy. There’s also an anima power that powers up shadow mend and I can heal my entire HP bar in one shadow mend lol.

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Play a kyrian rogue and pray you get the power to get 20 combo points and 200% more damage after shadow step and 1 hit the bosses


Yeah disc gets one of those as well, and another that stores damage taken then lets it out on your first purge the wicked, so I’m literally one-shotting mobs with a PoW lol … not to mention the shield ability that reflects absorbed damage, and all the buffs to the Kyrian ability. I have never had so much fun soloing things before.


Must be a skill problem, or the buffs your picking are not adequate.

They made it so its soloable. So just try again. 5% damage would kill off any class just as fast… Because its percentage damage…


Wonder how locks are doing :o

The gap between solo performance seems pretty big between classes right now, bigger than usual anyway. Also rogues have not historically been the best solo PvE class. In solomode, all classes are not created equal as is the nature of the MMORPG beast


As a hunter the increased damage when you stun them was what helped me. I could chunk 40% of his life during the intimidate stun. I just had to use it once he had 10 stacks to decrease the amount of damage he was doing. Stacked hero, pot, and wild spirits on top of that damage increase.

The chance to kill an enemy on kill shot would have helped as well.

if it’s that rock guy I slowly kited him while using aoe to burn ads when they spawned. you may need slightly better gear to burn him before his dmg catches up.

Torghast is great.

Cromwell is dog.

Yea, out of any content in this expansion Torghast is what I look forward to doing. I could spend hours in there and not get bored. It’s really fun to me.


Synod? Upper Reaches layer 3 level 6?

This guy had some amazing burst. I wish I could see his build.

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I think he’s layer 2, I actually had issues with Synod, but finally beat him. He throws out a stacking haste debuff which I could only dispel with Mass Dispell so that one was really rough.

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Torghast is the only thing I am loving about this expac. But my husband and I are duoing them as feral druid/ele shaman. I can hex half the dungeon or he can root, we both have off heals and if things get too hairy I can pop an earth elemental to take the pressure off. We still die sometimes but we haven’t failed any of them yet. Maybe run with a friend or some guildies.


At that point its basically just a dungeon which i hate, dungeons and raids are the lowest tier of content.


I strongly disagree with this. Layer 3 is a banger.