Well torghast is a huge failure

Yeah I understand not liking group content. I despise Pugs. But blizzard seems to be trying to push needing groups again. So many world rares that require multiple people to spawn, and the best gear drops in raiding I think.

I’d hope so with the gear he’s wearing.

I don’t understand this. It’s a MMOrpg.

There’s SO MANY single player games that are amazingly better than WoW’s single player content.

Just check steam for half a minute. Go get Divinity 2. This is an MMO.


I really love this. Chat in Ardenweald is amazing as people look to help each other out getting the three mounts or helping to summon the rares. Its the most social I’ve seen wow in a long time. It warms my heart to see people helping each other and just having a good time.

PS its best not to mention Ursoc in ardenweald…


I personally hate Pug culture because it just takes one person to ruin the last 30 minutes of effort and nobody likes the feeling of having their time wasted in something they are supposed to be enjoying.

Even being in a guild doesn’t magically stop that from happening. It’s a bummer feeling so I get being avoidant to feeling like one is required to group.

I, personally, think that M+ should be tuned around 15 minute boss rushes- similar to how BGs are tuned around 15 minutes.

Fail quick, learn quick.

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Oh its failure because you can;t beat a boss ? K


I’m gonna say this is a you issue. Not everythign is meant to be solo crushed week one. Get gear, get a group, do it again.


Torghast is great. Filling a room with intelligent mirror images is fun.

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You are mad that you cant afk spam attacks and kill stuff… go it


I just wish the transmog section would hurry up and open. I want to do it again but I’m maxed out for the week and I don’t want to burn myself out when there is still so much to earn later on.

Yeah that sounds like it could be fun. I think m+ has too much trash that takes too long. I like Torghast trash though. I’m rewarded for every kill. M+ trash is just garbage on my way to leaving.


They legit put like zero thought into what nerfing rogue’s only self heal would mean when they made these boss fights I guess. Which is pretty sad, any class without self healing is in for a horrible time.


Sounds like you all need better gear.
Just because you need to progress your character more doesnt mean a feature is broken. You don’t see people saying mythics are a failure because they die in them.


You know I hate the amount of trash in M+ but I didn’t mind it in Torghast. And I think you nailed the reason every trash kill is the potential for a reward unlike M+.

Maybe if you could loot M+ mobs and they gave you buffs or other consumables I wouldn’t mind it so much. Hmm it’d be hard to balance but I think there would be potential for blizz to figure out a way to make trash more rewarding.

Perhaps even x% over the allotted amount allows for a chance at more gear or a better chance at a gem slot or something.

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Death knight here. I’m doing just fine.

says the demonhunter??? xD
i also agree with you op that its… its rough for some classes.
i have a solution though.
pick up some survival animas.
it actually helps allot, i dont know what you get offered as a rogue but for me i have a few things that turn my health into that of 12 tanks + a world boss.

You can get self healing if you do the endurance conduits.

pssst its called a forum main vs actual main.

Or are going to call out the op who is a monk for complaining about a rogues ability to do torghast?

If even Bloodborne can’t make me like endless, random dungeons what chance does wow have…

It’s a tragedy so much time and money was spent on this…