Well, This Tells Me All I Need to Know, Farewell

To Blizzard:

SOM has been dead for for months and official closed down for a month, and we still have no event received the courtesy of a short, polite response.

You could say Season 2 will be back in the future with no determined date, you could say we scraped the season concept altogether, but you chose to say nothing Blizzard.

You spout on social media that you are a “changed” company, and this is a “new era”, but its a load of crap at this point. You don’t care about the classic fanbase and feel that we should just be grateful we were appeased.

You refuse to hire actual GMs to police your game and handle the bot situation even though you charge us a monthly subscription fee as well as keep a lucrative in-game shop. Instead you just make posts that you are banning bots but anyone who has a few minutes to look in game can see that you don’t even kind of have a handle on the situation, nor do we think you even care.

As a company you are simply pompous, callous, and seem to have malice against the outspoken playerbase as a whole. Yes, as a playerbase we are generally loud and outspoken; sometimes rude and demanding. However, everyone in the gaming industry knows this is a GOOD sign because people are passionate about your game. Instead, you refused to speak to your customers and playerbase and squelch any passion leftover after the irritation and condescension sits in.

Is this overly dramatic? Maybe. I have spent my childhood and now adult life supporting Blizzard hoping one day for a return to a miniscule portion of what Blizzard used to be. Hoping that maybe after all of these proposed changes and court cases that this could be the catalyst of a return, but I was sadly let down. If all of this couldn’t actually spur a change, I just don’t think anything can.

I have always taken breaks here and there over the years, especially when I wasn’t thrilled about retail changes year after year, but I never wanted to quit the franchise, let alone the entire company, but here I am trying to vent on forums and get some closure to move on.

To The Community:

Classic WoW will always be a great memory in my mind and heart. It was my childhood, and even a small connection to my father who passed away a few years back. I grew up playing Lost Vikings and Warcraft 1-3 and still cherish those memories to this day.

While the Classic Community, like any community has a few bad eggs, I adore and love this community. Some have been part of my weird, adopted, gaming family for 1-2 decades now at this point. I just want to say - Y’ALL ROCK! You are a passionate and chill community at the heart from the casual to the hardcore. While some of us may disagree on the game’s direction, we all simply want the game to be the great game it could be. I wish I could still hang out on the forums, but due to not wanting to renew my subscription, I may simply be a lurker from time to time hoping you all finally get the support and changes to the game you all deserve.

Anyhow, while nobody may have asked, and some may want my gold :rofl:, I wanted to say a heartfelt farewell to the community (at least on the forums and in-game). The Blizzard community has been a part of my life since the early 90s and the WoW community since even before the release in 2004. I will be moving on for the future, but genuinely hope this game changes to be the hobby everyone desires. Love ya’ll and best wishes!

– Knetik, Frostpyro, Adrin, Annoras, Malvek, Korren (whatever tag I knew you from)


You summed it up nicely OP. Good post.



See you in a couple months when you get bored and come back.



Farewell knetik, hope you find fun in your future travels.


I agree with you but they honestly couldn’t care less about bots,cheats,classic or anything other than share prices and appeasing shareholders.

Retail killed bots and instead started selling gold of their own, toxicity is still at an all time high in retail and they do nothing about it, the game is in an absolute power dive and all they care about is providing another gay story line or pandering to the ESG crowd instead of making the game work properly and fix bugs and gameplay.


Like, I don’t understand the purpose of these posts. Blizzard will never be that company of gaming nerds making a game for 80s/90s RPG lovers again.

So many questions that people ask can be answered with: “What did marketing say?”

The sooner you realize that marketing departments - not gamers - are the ones making decisions, the easier it will be to let things go.


There is your answer.


If a forum post on the official server gives you closure, then I think it’s probably good for your mental health that you are taking a break from the game. Your expectations for Blizzard were far too high.

I do expect a lot from people I give money to as a customer and support. So yes, for my mental health I will be moving on from Blizzard. Thanks for you concern, and good luck in your endeavors :heart:


Believe me, I get where you are coming from. I fell in love with Blizzard games back when I was playing Warcraft II. But that isn’t the Blizzard that exists today. And I think it’s a recurring theme. I feel the same way about Wizards of the Coast as a long time MTG player.

Nerds have become a victim of their own success. :frowning:

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goodbye friend

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Yeah its a corporate hellscape and its never gonna get better. Some of us have to decide where the line in the sand is and go from there.


Well said.
Fare thee well, Knetik.
May life bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve.


In reply to your thread Knetik good luck with whatever comes next. I’ve decided to take a break from WoW myself for my own reasons.

You have a point about who is driving the decisions in the game but sometimes it’s therapeutic to write your thoughts down, even if you never share them. Here Knetik may simply want to share his thoughts with the community especially since there are others who may relate.

I’ve posted a lot on here, it’s been a hobby, and I know that not one post of mine has mattered in regard to what Blizzard does (and most of mine haven’t been directed at Blizzard) but I’ve wanted to say things anyway.



And we were all the better for it.
Thanks Mootwo and Knetik.
You both are posters that are constructive and discuss thoughts and ideas versus making it personal.
I will miss you both here.


If blizz had a soul they would at least shed a tear at the dedication these players show.

Why do people like you say this as a “gotcha”. Like you’re some little old man sitting on his porch laughing at the neighborhood kid who fell over on his bike.

I was done a wile back and got the same “hurr durr see u in a couple weeks”… Guess what? I am still not playing wow.

I would play SOM 2 if they completely revamped the pvp gearing to be on par with how potato easy you can gear up afking in raids. World pvp is fun until the pve kids have full aq 40+

Yeah, I mean I know people in America suffer from poor communication skills. It’s like part of the culture here, myself included.

But then I saw how much crap they post on the official WoW Twitter account for retail, and how they have new content phases mapped out and everything in fancy info-graphics, etc

Asking for a tiny bit of communication on Seasonal Classic and Classic Era plans/timelines is not asking much at all in comparison, imho.

They would not even do that, so the message is pretty clear to me: “Go play on a 3rd-party server; Dragonflight and our next retail expansion is all we care about.”

I feel like a sucker continuing to pay, but chances are I’ll remember to cancel in time before the next billing cycle.
God knows I don’t know I don’t make enough money to spend $15/mo on a game I’m not playing.

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Then dont.

The 15$ a month is for people who play wow. I agree they need to do more with classic but its been clear as day for almost 4 years now they dont plan to lol. If you are just now realizing this idk what to tell you.

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But you’re on the forums participating in the game culture so IMO still playing. Also I was more going for an oracle vibe prophesizing their return :magic_wand: and less angry old man but i hear your read on it and respect how you internalize the world around you :kiss: