Well... That was faster than expected

It’s very difficult to stay perpetually outraged about something, day in and day out.

The people for whom this was the last straw, they’re gone. They aren’t hanging out on the forums for a game they don’t play anymore, they’ve moved on.

The people left either fall into the categories where Blizzard can do no wrong and they wouldn’t leave no matter what, and the people who are waiting for the next shoe to drop. In the meantime, when there’s no new news, what’s the point in talking about nothing but the allegations? They’re not forgotten. They aren’t informing people’s decisions and opinions any less. People have just largely said what they wanted to say about it, and now the next phase will be Does One Through Ten being named, and discovery, and a slow, awful leak of new terrible thing after new terrible thing.

Every new revelation will bring a new round of discussion and a new wave of exits. UNLESS…Activision-Blizzard settles with the state before that happens. That could still theoretically happen, and that would save them from this getting, and staying, really ugly by cutting off the slow drip-drip-drip that’s sure to happen with a trial. The problem is that it’s also likely to be very expensive, and who knows if they think that it would be worth the legal fees plus subscription loss from a pure numbers perspective?

Anyway, until there’s more movement I’d expect to see things die down to a couple of megathreads and brief troll skirmishes for now.

These things are like the 4th of July celebrations, the big fireworks show, then a few random firecrackers the next couple of day and it over until the case arrives in court or is settled out of court.

People want change in a hollywood movie minute.
Preferably in a form of a 80s montage.

You brought SJW to the post for not reason other than spread your diarrhea of opinions every chance you got. Cringe mf

If their movement was kept to “everyone matters” in stead of a p***ing match as to who is more important it would have had more momentum. Instead they chose to specify who they wanted to “especially” represent. This kind of thing affects EVERYONE. Yes it seems to happen to the minority groups listed more I don’t argue against that. but to get change happening everyone needs to be onboard not just some.
Like him or not Jeremy from the Quartering called it early and he was right.

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Oh i came here to mention the same thing… Glad someone else pointed it out.

he called it and was 100% right as soon as it was Co-opted it was doomed

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Agreed. This is why you don’t let SJWs near a major problem such as this.

How about now?

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He’s constantly wrong.

You do realise there are like 12 perps and thousands of innocent people who need money to survive right? They can say what they want, they can protest all day, but you can’t just take a week off and still think you will be fine on the other end, if you don’t work than you will be out on the street in no time.

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Did I say he was always right? No, I did not.
Or are you one of those people that needs to disagree with someone simply because you don’t like them or their views?

That’s the problem with the world today: a person can say the sky is blue and the grass is green, and they’ll just get dismissed simply because someone doesn’t like them for one reason or another.

But, if you believe so fully that he is always wrong, then by all means tell me how he is wrong in regards to the current Blizzard situation.

Vaccine passports? I got mine.

This thread is interesting considering everything that happened in the last 24 hours