I’m sure Tyrande will have a cameo that will ultimately be meaningless and really serve no purpose, much like her appearance at the start of 8.1 and then vanishing until the start of 8.3 before vanishing again.
Blizzard seems to believe the night elf story is over and done with after 8.1 for the most part, no mention of night elves seems to make that pretty clear after Blizzard pretty much wiped out the race in order to make the alliance react to Sylvanas and get Saurfang to feel bad about another genocide he participated in. I’ll see what happens tomorrow but it seems doubtful they will play an important or meaningful role other than as additional fodder.
To all those who are crying about yet another Night Elf thread - wouldn’t you expect something about them in the announcement for Shadowlands? The fact that there was not even a single mention does back up the OP’s point.
I’m also amazed that so many people could not resist clicking on the thread to post (essentially) “I don’t care.” Self-control: learn some. Don’t whine about threads you choose to read.
The OP is right. “Wait and see” smoothly switched to “Get over it” and that’s the end of the Night Elves. I wonder how many players will support the next racial massacre when it’s the Horde’s turn? And if you think it won’t happen, I’ll remind you that we just replayed the basic plot of MoP and we’re heading into WoD now. Give it a few years and we’ll see Thunder Bluff blown up by a maniac Dwarven king, or Silvermoon razed to the ground by Anduin’s bloody successor.
Apparently save for special exceptions. that’s where everyone has been going since the world was made.
Maybe that’s the realisation that Daerlyn came t o as she died when she says to herself that there won’t be any reunion with her loved ones after death.
Puts new perspective on Sylvannas looking to create a Planet of the Undead.
Night Elf players burned a lot of good will by harping on Horde players instead of on Blizzard.
Realistically what would anyone be expecting? The Tyrande and Shandris wads have been shot, … another Night Elf themed warfront? They’ve had two of those already.
I dont expect shadowlands to be anything other than us helping out bolvar close the thing up so we dont all die
Or that we have a chance to go to the Good Place when we do.
Pretty sure one of the new zones is all naturey so Night Elves can go do something there.
Near every expansion has a godsdamned night elf zone or two.
The implication is that Death itself is broken, and way more souls are going to the Maw than they should be. That’s the whole point of going to the Shadowlands in the first place. This includes a section of the afterlife that, quite frankly, looks very night elf themed to me. Cenarius went there when he died, it’s a place of rebirth and cycles… kind of like, you know, the moon.
Night elf religion states that when night elves die, they go to Elune and become stars. Well… when night elves die, they generally before wisps before they pass on… what are wisps? Nature spirits. And look at that, the nature themed zone that looks akin to Ashenvale on steroids has a nice starry sky.
I’m tired of waiting too, but there is potential there. We could be heading for a showdown between Sylvanas’ partner and Elune herself, since we don’t actually know who imprisoned the guy or is holding him there. Which would lead to a fight between Tyrande and Sylvanas as well.
I’ve been railing against the writing choices in general, not just the nelves, all expansion, but I’m willing to see this out. The zones look beautiful, we’re getting a lot of old characters coming into the fore, and plenty of chances to advance the lore of many races, nelves included. We also still have the night elf heritage chain, which is another chance for stuff.
It’s a nature zone, Bwonsamdi’s realm is there too, as well as the Drust. It’s not a night elf zone, just one that could potentially be the afterlife for trolls and elves in general.
Is Bwonsamdi’s realm in Ardenweald? When was this revealed?
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I can’t find the blurb now, but I’m sure I spotted a line about it somewhere in the mass of MMO-Champ updates. Chalk it up to me getting my wires crossed for now, until I can find the source again. The Drust are present in Ardenweald, however, that much can be seen.
You will get a resolution…in the next expansion when we go to the literal afterlife. Elune will probably end up being a big part of the lore of the Shadowlands. We’ll probably end up destroying the Maw and all the souls that were sent there unjustly (everyone that died in BfA including the Night Elves) will either be reborn or sent to their proper “afterlife.”
There’s no way this won’t come up next expac.
That’s because de udda side isn’t in Ardenwald. It’s its own pocket dimension.
problem is that historically wait and see rarely works out in WoW
You’re talking about Ardenweald right? Yeah that zone looks pretty cool, definitely the nature-themed zone of the xpac.
I’m at the 'Con right now. Couldn’t get any clue at the WoW What’s Next panel if Elune is going to play a role there.
I don’t know, they did say in the panel that he was gonna be the focus of a dungeon called The Other Side, dunno what zone that dungeon is in though yet.
We’ll hopefully have more info tomorrow morning at the Deep Dive! =D
Ardenweald is definitely night elf in nature. My suspicion is Elune might be the creator/overseer of Ardenweald. The tidbit of lore we have on the realm says it has been hit hardest by the lack of souls and its supply of Anima is drying up rapidly. That could be used as a means of explaining why “Elune abandoned us”. She literally ran out of gas.
Ardenweald is referred to as a “dark mirror” of the Emerald Dream. With Cenarius there, it’s definitely possible.
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Something that I could get behind would also be rescuing the night elf souls from the maw so they can be freed from their torment but… yea I wouldn’t bet on Blizz remembering Teldrassil.