Well, mog farming in LFR is over for geared players

Personal loot means everyone has a chance. Group loot means there will drops no matter what. I would rather have drops no matter what.

I agree fully.

They both generate 5 pieces of loot. The thing with group loot is that it shows who won what. Personal loot. You could choose to not loot it. And no one would know you won something that you don’t want people to fight over because you want to keep it. This made doing lfr nice, not being pestered by getting pieces you want for mogs. Or offspecs.

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Are you under the false impression that PL drops less items than GL ?

You still saw who got what with personal loot. Hence all the whispers from people begging.

Does it not?

I just feel so sorry for you. Is there anything I can do to comfort you? A hanky? A shoulder to cry on? Anything you need.

Nope. Only if you looted it during the run. If you left it on the corpse. It would be mailed to you without notifying the raid.

I always looted it.

makes sense
you shouldn’t be taking gear away from people
who actually need it to progress

another currency
why are they afraid to have a single common currency

are they worried that their game design is not compelling enough in all areas
to incite across the board/homogeneous play?
If so
THEY need to work on that!

I think the best solution for mog farming is once your ilvl exceeds the average of what is dropped in the raid then you would be eligible to receive a currency that can be used to buy the appearances from that difficulty. That way transmog farmers are still helping with lower difficulties and have a determenistic way of collecting transmog without necessarily rolling on loot someone else can use.

It just feels bad not giving someone a much needed upgrade because you lose an appearance.

I don’t think its a bug because the same change is carried across to the PvP versions. The Elite Gladiator set has no neck piece.

No. It’s the same number of loot pieces per eligible person.

so basically your admitting on the forums to being a ninja looter
someone who rolls on gear they don’t actually need.denying other people gear upgrades.

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I had a suspicion that was going to be the case to avoid retreading the Dragon Soul Looking For Raid issue in Cataclysm

So much for getting carried by the Heroic/Mythic raiders running LFR for xmog. LFR might be impossible with only LFR players

That’s what determination is for

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Honestly, LFR needs to go back to personal loot.

Edit: woops, thought thread was still going; didn’t mean to necro.

Ninja looting is master looting and taking all the loot, not winning a need roll.