After about 3 or 4 years, the indefinite beta test TL3 has finally expired. Now, I’m a lowly TL2, even though I practically live on the forums. Sad times. Post some cool pics for me. <3
I would but I forgot how to use Imgur.
It’s really wonderful they fixed something that so many people liked but they won’t fix actual problems like sock puppeting and thread necros.
You know, stuff we’ve been begging them to fix for years.
Would’ve been nice if in the “fix” they made the TL3 requirements retroactive so folks who would ordinarily have been TL3 anyway would’ve retained it.
Nobody asked for your common sense and logic.
Where are the clowns?
I guess I lost it too. No more lounge.
(Sorry to hear)
I had the same thing happen this week. Gone back to Member after being a 3 forever. I also spend an unhealthy amount of time on the forums. Wonder what changed…
I go back and forth. I am surprised to see I ever make TL3.
I lost it last time for quoting a numerical line of Sir Mix a Lot.
I’ve been a regular for 5 years and most people know me, though I rarely post in the evening - high tide time - and because I have the good sense to notice when my bipolar is kicking and the termerity to take a break I continue to loose my TL3. Sheesh, the gall of some people! lol
I really don’t want to know the logistics on how that even happened.
Cost cutting. Trolls and necros don’t cost them a dime like linking back to gifs and vids.
No doubt.
I got jaded. I should always have it by how much time I spend here, but I got complacent and let the “regular” requirements slip.
Now I have to do some grinding again.
I think it’s ridiculous that we have to upkeep forum rep every week. It should be earn it and it’s yours, unless you get sanctioned. And it shouldn’t be per character.
I have gained it and lost it a number of times. I just no longer care. Not going to spendall of my waking hours on a game forum for crying out loud!