Well, I know I don't need gear but


But not past 370.

WQ are 345, normals are 355 and HCs are 370.

He has hit His. Personal. Cap.

I thought it was clarified enough when I defined it through italicizing you but I guess not >v<

WQ are scaling up to 360, Emissary up to 385 and assault/incursion to 385(once fixed, based on developer post).


I think the original point remains. Special snowflake doesn’t even realize the game has been catered to his exact play style. There is no snark there, just facts.

“It has never been easier, in the history of WoW, to get character progression and gear this high without raiding”


So his WQs will be 360 then

He’ll need to venture into M+ :>

Or do Emissary and Assault quests, or the Darkshore warfront next cycle. Like I said, you were posting bad info. The cap on all content the OP mentioned went up

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Well that’s the ONLY thing he’ll have to look forward to. Will likely get bored and unsub.

UNLESS he ventures into M+ :smiley:

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Similar situation here. My wife and I are focusing on unlocking things, and then will probably alternate between running old content and leveling our nightborne.

In my spare ‘wow moments’ when I just want to chill I have a Dark Iron Lock that needs leveling.

But honestly
if it wasn’t for the 6 month sub I’d be taking this patch cycle off until I was sure the Kul Tirans were launching/available.

I don’t think it’s bugged, I’m betting it is based on our current ilevel and we don’t see 385 until we are probably over 380. That’s how they have done it in the past so you can’t really progress via emissaries, you have to do other content. You have to look at it as the emissaries supporting RNG bad luck on the main content, that’s what it feels like.

M+ and raids is what season 2 is about. If you aren’t doing those, then the catch up mechanics are the farthest you will likely go. And yes, outside of those 2 things, there is really no new content to play. You could work on residuum to get new gear, but the path is very long if you don’t do M+.

The game is all about the M+ now
 heck, one of my guilds won’t let you run raids unless you’re running M10 each week (with the change, that might be M7 or something now)
 so, if you’re at 370
 like all of my capped toons
 we just work on leveling alts (like this one) until the next 8.x, and run the Darkshore stuff once per cycle
 I detest the speed runs, so, I mainly hang out in game with the few friends that still play the game
 and that number is getting smaller each week

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This is exactly how it should be, if you are capped for the item level of the content you do then it’s time to do the next level of content or not.

Blizzard also implementing a heroic catch up mechanic with 6 weeks left of a current raid teir was also stupid.

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Talked with a guy who has 388 ilvl and he was still getting 370 from the assault going on right now. The Emissary already is scaling to 385 for people who waited until today to do the Zandalar one.

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Incursions do sound bugged then. I did the Zandalar one today and got a 370, but my toon is only 375, so that’s probably legit.

Do harder content

  • no

Welp then I guess you’re done

There is no content for people like me - how is that good ? Blizzard decided to go down this road in legion with world content an alternative means of gearing. It is a little late for them to decide to stop this at this point in time.

I do the emissaries on 5 characters daily - I have received every paragon reward there is except for the turtle ones because blizzard decided to push the raider recipes first for that faction. There is absolutely no reason for me to log in most days now if not for a piece of gear.

People who raid have a whole new raid to do.

I would be perfectly fine if they made a quest hub for dailies or some other type of daily world content but no we have exactly the same ones. So blizzard has to give people like me a reason to log on or else most of us just won’t.

That will ruin the game for you because without our sub fees blizzard won’t be funnelling all this money into content for YOU.


What are you gearing for exactly?

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Uh, no? I still got my best gear via M+ in Legion and WQs stopped being upgrades for sure. You got even higher rewarded in BfA than Legion
 yet here we are with this discussion.

I never felt I had nothing to do in legion. The world quests rewards were more in line with your ilvl. They purposely decided to make world quests less rewarding this expansion so ‘people wouldn’t feel they HAD to do them’.

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It’s the only form of progression at max level in the game, so probably that.

And progressing to higher ilevel mean progressing to harder difficulties. If he’s refusing to do harder difficulties then that’s on him, not blizz.

The OP is not doing any progression though, so I’m just curious what she needs higher ilvl gear for.

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