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I am wondering if the forum ever gets tired of talking about Elves.

I was being real earlier, if they did a good job with customization with other races they can compete with the Elves maybe even surpass themā€¦* cough * possibly surpass but definitely compete. It depends how much they want to put into it.

Thought you guys were complaining about Sylvanas

Itā€™s close enough. And Blood Elves have been asking for Druids since BC, the same as Alliance asking for High Elves.

Admittedly maybe not as loudly, since I donā€™t think anyone has been as vocal about wanting something as the HE crowd.

But it could be made to work, just like anything else. I get why they donā€™t want to though, lore aside, I think most people feel like BEs have enough classes as is.

Count me in, I honestly donā€™t care about which side gets High elves (or blue eyes customization) either.

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Syl isa elfā€¦



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ā€œClose only counts in horseshoes.ā€

If Blood Elves ever get Druids then it is officially time to remove all Race/Class restrictions and allow us to play whatever we want. It was stretching the lore enough to allow Paladins and Priests, Druids would be the final nail.

Donā€™t misunderstand me, I have nothing against Blood Elves or Blood Elves who want Druids. Players should play what they want to play. So long as the lore remains decently intact however, Blood Elf Druids are immersion breaking even more so than Vulpera Warlocks & Mages.

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by the light

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Count me in for this. Itā€™s something I think should have been done a long time ago.

It makes no sense to restrict the aesthetics of race to certain classes. Just let people play what they want as whatever race they want.

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Itā€™s been officially time for that years ago.

No, I want more

I respect your opinion, and understand why you think it.


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That thread makes absolutely no sense, as the Horde already got the Night Elf model in the BfA pre-patch; they are called Nightborne.

Since 2007.

Everybodyā€™ll have an elf in the game

If they did that, theyā€™d have to give every a druid form and the casting animations unique to each class. Idk if they will do that any time soon. Also, some just plain donā€™t make sense. Undead paladins, undead druids unless something about forming into ā€¦deadā€¦ animals? Maghar paladins. They just fled a bunch of paladins who killed them for not being paladins. I donā€™t believe their faith in the light is too strong right now. Draenei warlocks. Unless humans have some kindā€™ve religion like the worgens someday, I donā€™t know about that. Etc.

blood elves can study plants as much as they want, itā€™s not the same as having a religion and a connection to powerful forces to become druids like them. Some are cursed, some are close to wild gods.

That said, from a gameplay perspective I would like to play whatever for any race, just the horde would turn into 80% blood elves.

Druids are the most populated class above paladins iirc then warrior and DH.


Hey I like my :large_blue_circle: :elf: and she is going to stay that way but any more :elf: :thread: and Iā€™m gonna :face_vomiting:

lets get high elvesā€¦ in both factions

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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