Welcome to the SIXTH week of not getting the TW reward

Running 30+ chrs.

None are boosts.

About half are 80, the other half are 70+.

Which chrs do not get the TW reward is random. There doesn’t seem to be a reason for NOT getting it. None have a previous TW quest in their log. None have full bags (although the item would get sent in your mail-- which I checked).

Out of those 30 chrs, it tends to be about 3 that won’t get a reward. Three or four. Call that a 1% chance, give or take?


There is already a topic about this:

Since I made it, I’m aware of it.

But some people/Blizzard consider continuing “old” threads to be “necro’ing.”

Certainly in this case, where they could have fixed the problem in the last 7 days, I’m making a new thread to show that they DID NOT fix this issue.

Nor are taking any steps/making any effort to resolve it. How easy would it be to simply confirm that the item didn’t drop and … restore it???

That’s all that needs to be done until this bug is fixed.

Restore the item that didn’t drop.

That’s it.

And they won’t do that … why?

Oh you’re the melty boi.
They probably don’t fix it because they enjoy seeing you having meltdowns.

Necroing means replying to a topic that hasn’t been active for months/years and is no longer relevant.
Considering I called you a melty boi in the other topic just two days ago, that doesn’t qualify as necroing.

Childish insults are the easiest sign you are weak and have no argument. gg

It’s slightly less of a insult and more of a factual observation. I don’t have an argument and I don’t need one, my job isn’t to defend Blizzard and how it handles bugs.

I had it happen to me once; I filed a bug report knowing it would get sent to the right team, understood that character wouldn’t get the item and I moved on. I didn’t draw attention to myself by making multiple topics about this. I didn’t post using bold, italics, caps, symbols and whatnots. I’m not expecting Blizzard to publicly announce that they’re working on fixing an issue preventing a low amount of characters from collecting a quest item that grants 200 TW badges. I filed my bug report and I kept on playing. I wasn’t angy >:( or sad :frowning: OR SCREAMING

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This is more than 6 weeks. It’s been happening for at least 4 months. But I think I’ve seen forum posts complaining about this going back 3-4 years.