This is now the FIFTH WEEK of TW reward not dropping for alts




I am running TW across 20+ chrs, and 2-3 of them don’t get the “crystal/prism” reward at the end.

None of them are boosted. None of them have anything unusual. There is nothing to explain this but IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED!

This is now more than 1000 TW Badges that I have not received from this bug.

WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE FIXED? What are you going to do to fix my situation?

This is entirely UNACCEPTABLE.

Pro life tip: stop running TW dungeons with those “2-3” until there’s patch notes confirming it’s fixed and your blood pressure, heart rate and overall health will be slightly better.

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1> It’s not the same chrs each time.

2> What kind of pathetic suggestion is that in the first place?? Imagine you bought a car that didn’t turn left, and your suggestion was “meh… just make three rights to get where you want!”

How about just FIX THE PROBLEM.

And I’m totally fine if they were to admit this is a complicated problem, they’re working on it …

… and once it’s all said and done, my items would be restored to make up for the fact this is THEIR FAULT.

Which is what ANY other company would do in such a situation.

But Blizzard in known for always hiding behind “sorry, nothing we can do.” When I know that’s a lie.

So I’ll state it again for the record: I don’t mind that there’s a bug. I understand it’s a complicated game. I don’t even mind that it is going on weeks, and weeks, and weeks, and weeks without a word of feedback about it.

What I mind is that once it’s fixed, NOTHING will be done to fix those that were affected.

To quote an old saying “if you’re not outraged by that, you’re not paying attention.”

Stop making dumb examples that don’t relate at all. Jesus. You either have old quest from previous week in log or you are full bags. It’s clearly on your end mate.

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Also dear Lord it takes 5 minutes to run a tw. Stop demanding this crap you are insufferable

A workaround is a reasonable alternative to pointless and ineffective raging.

The game has bugs that are almost as old as the game itself. Most bugs are never addressed, and going full Karen will not change that.

Resign yourself to the near-guarantee that what you’re complaining about will remain an unchanging fact of life and decide how to proceed from there. (Hint: screeching at clouds is not a viable response.)

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1> There are no old quests. If that was the case, you think it would happen randomly across different characters over 5 weeks?? derp

2> When you bags are full for events like this, it goes to your mail. It’s not in my mail. DERP

Stop demanding bugs be fixed?? lol

Or that rewards that should have been given, simply be given… when it is 100% in their ability to do so???

The only people “insufferable” here are the ones letting a company ignore their issues when they could fix them.

I addressed this. Do better.

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There is nothing better than speaking the truth, even to the resistant.

Reality doesn’t care about your recreational outrage. QA has created a bug report for the development team to address when they’re allowed to. Which, if history is any indication, potentially “never”.

QA will not respond to demands for discussion. They’re certainly in no position to promise on the developers’ behalf when (or if) this would be addressed.

I think you’re confusing “detailing just how bad a problem is”, not only in the problem itself, but in the response by the company …

… with “demanding discussion.”

That would be obvious by the fact I’m detailing a solution that I know and admit won’t happen. So… inherently, there is no “demand” for discussion, when I have already detailed my knowledge that Blizzard doesn’t engage in this level of decorum (despite the fact that any other company at this level absolutely would).

It’s hilarious how many people are so bent out of shape over my use of varied syntax. lol Grow up. It’s ok for people to be various forms of outraged, angry, upset … when they’ve not only waited FIVE WEEKS for a solution, but also know that a solution will never come. What’s left but to vent a little… in the only place that has been offered for such a last-chance solution?

I can only imagine how much you rage when they don’t put enough soy milk in your coffee. And yet-- the coffee company would fix that. This is orders of magnitude worse, and all the chumps here are like “meh… who cares?”

Pathetic response.

This is not the place. QA’s job is not to care deeply about your emotional disturbance. After recording the bare facts of the purported bug report, they’re done. They don’t get on the horn and whisper urgently to the developers “ooh, that player is really upset.”

The emotional content is wasted, except as far as it makes you feel better, and General Discussion is still a better place for that. Especially since the GD Community Managers do read the emotional temper of posts and note and report the feeling of the playerbase.

Here? Well, at least you vented. Practically speaking, ineffectually. But maybe you feel better for it. Or might if I stopped pointing out inconvenient facts.

There is no other place. You seem to be confusing me with the people that would submit a ticket each time the bug occurred, and then tie up the CSR ticketing process with endless “my problem has not been resolved” going back and forth demanding a solution for something we all know they can’t/won’t fix.

I submitted ONE ticket, the first time it’s happened. The rest of my interactions have been here. That’s how it SHOULD work. After that, what I post, according to you “doesn’t matter” … so… why are you here? lol

No. The reply there would be “go post it in the Bug Reports.” As it should be. Again-- this IS the place, indeed the ONLY place this belongs.

To all your points about who reads what… do you work for Blizzard? Are you involved in QC? I’ll assume not. So… why are you here? Even if I was pointlessly yelling at clouds, it doesn’t involve you. Why do you feel you have a right to talk down to me?

This doesn’t involve you … so walk away. QC can take note or ignore whatever as they please (which, for like the third or fourth time now, I have addressed), but you have no discretion so, the only one out of order here is you.

Lastly, the saddest thing here is that you fail to realize that ultimately I’m venting for you too. You should be just as upset as I am that Blizzard DOES HAVE the ability to make this problem right once the bug is fixed … but they won’t. There is ZERO defense for that, and yet, there you are.

I’ll close with the only message that matters here (my only statement all along): Blizzard COULD remedy this issue once the bug is fixed… and they won’t. If you’re not bothered by that, you are the problem, not me.

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These people breaking their back to carry water for Blizzard are mind boggling go me. Dude has a legitimate issue and y’all rush to defend daddy blizzard and pontificate on why we shouldn’t have expectations for a game that many of us have spent thousands of dollars in subscription fees on over the last 20 years.

If you have nothing to contribute towards resolving the issue, then bugger off and let the guy alone to make his bug report.


I have facts.

Apparently that isn’t helpful to people who don’t care about objecive reality. My bad.

are they 30+?

Glad that you are finally coming to terms with the reality of people not caring about your “facts”. Especially when they do literally nothing to address the issue in OPs post.

5 weeks? Haven’t been getting mine on the one character since November.

They are yet to address it despite GMs acknowledging the issue, which is extremely annoying, ngl.


Lol keep melting down over timewalking after anniversary just gifted you thousands of badges for free. Insufferable. Check your add-ons this is a you issue mate.

While he is being extra, his point stands. This game is huge, popular, and making enough money to hire a crew to fix bugs that are years, if not a decade, old. Or even ones that just popped up on launch. And here we are, logging in praying our UI didn’t randomly reset, or the gold in our warbanks didn’t disappear. It’s not about the bug itself anymore, but the fact that they just keep piling up without ever being addressed, let alone fixed.


Funny most users never ever have these issues. But you guys get all of them. Frequently.

Rather than pay someone to actually fix bugs, seems Blizzard is giving 14 year olds a mountain dew and a pizza each week to come flame on people posting issues on forums.