Welcome to the RDF room

ironic a thread simply titled ‘welcome to the rdf room’ is primarily filled with anti rdf trolls raging at themselves. pretty much sums these forums up

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How has RDF destroyed any communities. They’re already broken. I would rather queue up and find a group faster than the epitome of social interacting in the game, spamming LFG Channel.


you are fake news. it does not destroy communities. but nice try on this. everyone needs to get off that silly bandwagon excuse. it was never the cause for the server communities to die. that was realm transfers and faction transfers. stop spreading lies.


you mean inv, then get ignored or use the request to join, then either A sit there being ignored for the request to join or instantly get denied? so much for that social experiment no one talks in dungeons anyway. so RDF doesn’t hurt the experience one bit.

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If there’s one lesson to learn from Classic it’s that RDF has nothing to do with destroying communities or creating toxic behavior. Those things exist just fine without RDF. In fact, it’s the most toxic I’ve ever seen the community.

And that came as a surprise to me, but facts are facts.


this is the disgusting trolling toxicity that blizzard lets run but they race to close ACTUAL RDF discussion threads.

then do eveyrone a favor thats in rdf threads… do something you obviously are incapable of understanding how to do. SCOLL ON you absolute TOOL. NOBODY is MAKING you read anything, or is it the new meta and youre too mentally weak to NOT read it? idiot.


I think you mistake me for someone who cares what people think about me on these forums.

My profile is hidden because I have the option to hide it. You’re free to interpret whatever you want … I’m not going to lose any sleep over a random forum goer thinking I’m lying.

I wasn’t aware this was a popularity contest.

I never make that mistake. I assume not only on this forum but in every discussion that takes place on the internet that no one cares what anyone else thinks of them.

No one ever does. see above. I just think it’s a good thing that people are occasionally reminded that most people see and understand what they’re doing.

As a social scientist you should know that’s obfuscation. Every one has the option to hide their profile but most of us don’t. Because we stand behind what we post and aren’t trying to hide our history here. You are, and people will take that into account when they read or reply to your posts.




So much irony.

You are not on my level kid—get over it.

I like how spam includes “vandalism” now. That amuses me.

It was also amusing when big blue went through and locked all the threads until they got to this one. I took a screenshot.

I am pretty certain the only one trolling is Blue. :wink: :wink:

Scroll on… cause I let ya :wink: :wink:

RDF is absolutely terrible for classic. Keep it out.

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I’d like it. Buddies and I have had to swap back to Warmane for dungeon spam nights. Kinda sucks seeing everyone Raid Log instead of doing dungeons.


Little sad people have to look to private servers for a better Wrath experience.


We do still play Classic for Raiding. PServer leveling and end game is just generally more fun due to RDF and whatnot


No, I get that. It’s just that Wrath Classic could have had the whole package, but they opted to turn it into just a raid log game.


With rest + JJ buff i just quested out 2 levels in under an hour each, with no heirlooms. I truly don’t get the clamouring for RDF

i understand the appeal of dungeon spam since it is easy and mindless, but Questie addon makes questing a total breeze. I resisted it for way too long but I’m a convert now

questing is trash in many leveling brackets of 1-60. the questing hubs especially become bad in the 50-58 range because there are less quests and more travelling required. this was done intentionally to completely waste your time because 60 was endgame when that content came out. Now this is totally unacceptable when there are 2 expansions to get through. Most people are just quitting on the 1-60 journey which is most likely why jj was put back in so soon. They lost too many players and Dragonflight is definitely not entirely to blame. The game is just in such a poor state of play that its not even fun outside of heroics and raiding

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questing is complete trash in many brackets of 1-58. Especially in the 50-58 range where questing hubs have less quests and require more travel. This was done intentionally to dramatically slow down leveling speed because 60 was end game when this content was made. Now its completely unacceptable with 2 expansions ahead of it. Most people end up just quitting the 1-60 journey because it sucks so bad and this is most likely why JJ was abruptly put back in so soon. Noone wants to play an mmo to play a solo grindfest for weeks on end. This games current state is really bad outside of raiding and heroics

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You also have the option not to hide it, so that’s not an answer.

As a fellow social scientist, also part time underwear model and fighter pilot, I find your obfuscation disturbingly anti-social.

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YES YES YES!!! I cant wait this is gonna be awsome

nope you sir are fake news