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Yea as proof that it is more difficult.

Thats why Blizzard made glad title more easy in retail. They made it ratings based where in all the original versions of WoW it was % based. Anyone and I mean ANYONE who says different and has a title…bought their title on pilot. Cuz there is no way that you would not know that the old system was % based and NOT ratings based. They listed the ratings needed after calculating the %s. And I have seen dozens upon dozens of players who all claim to be multiglads from back in the day and claim it was the exact same in 2007 as it is in 2023. But they changed it a little bit back to %s. Having it listed as needing to get exactly 2.4k rating is a rating based system, not a % based one. Thats why you see a lot more glads off the rating based one than you do from the % based version.

You’re level 12…

At least get into the 20s before you say such things.

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So what, that doesn’t change my opinion. Besides, it’s not like you are losing the other options, play Era, Wrath, HC, Retail if you don’t like seasons.

And you think this is my highest level toon? Clearly that is your highest if you think that being level 23 is a high enough level to put down a level 12.

And this toon is from Wrath. You are from regular Classic. I only have 2 higher level toons in there. 2 level 60 paladins. So at least I can level past level 23 in Classic. You are not on a PvP server so I do not play on where you are at.

Hm…silent. Telling me to get up into the 20s as if that is such a big accomplishment…cuz that is where you are stuck at.

They requires something because the genre is dying.


Where have we heard that before? Oh, right. Every time WoW deviated from retail.

Objectively false. Unsure what this has to do with the thread.

Why is this a recurring theme? We’ve all been playing this game for years. I’ve been playing since 05 should we compare years? Asinine.

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According to deathlog, getting to 20 is a big accomplishment for a lot of players. Go ahead, give it a try.

Ivanka only respects people who have a lvl 60 paladin in Hardcorpse that they totally didn’t make up.


I mean some people live for seasonal play such as in D3. Seasonal 1 life and out is dumb though. Maybe you could do that with classes though.

I’m all for seasonal HC someday though.

Ive already done it and his toon that he is posting on is not on an HC server. It is on a regular Classic non PvP server so that is easy mode. I got 3 level 60s in original Classic. 1 sub rogue, 1 Hpal and a ret. This toon is not on an HC server either. It is on a Wrath one.

And I leveled up an Hpal in holy spec while naked until level 30 and then did the rest of it in cloth gear. I leveled up a druid naked as well. My druids entire guild does the leveling naked.

You’re criticizing a person for posting on a 20 about progress yet you are replying on an 11. At least post on your higher lvl HC toon or be a hypocrite… your choice

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I hate games that reset progress periodically. I dont want to feel like i have to no life the game.
Besides theres already personal resets in HC. Its called dying.

The person I posted to wasn’t even on an HC toon. And neither was the level 10 who came at me first, and neither is the level 23. You don’t even have a single level 60 toon on any version of Classic so just get out of here.

And the very first post I made to that level 10, they deleted it, they kept one of their other posts.

Thats why I should have quoted them first. They told me to get more skill in HC. Look at my very first post in this thread. Very clearly I am talking and responding to a comment that no longer exists. There was a level 10 telling me to get to 60 in SOM saying I never did last time. Then I was all like… um… yea. The other comment before still exists, but not the original one that I replied to. Cuz it was a direct reply right beneath them so you can delete with no evidence of a comment if nothing was quoted or tagged. Saying I never did SOM had no toons in it and said that I needed to go level and then said I should be hardcore by playing in an HC server. Just look at my very first post here. it is very clearly responding to a comment that is no longer there.

Then you all jump on me randomly when that person even quit posting here as it is. Then you all started on at me about my level when they came at me first about mine. Goodglinda is the only one here posting on an actual HC toon.

It is refreshing to be able to re-experience the surge of new characters in the early zones and fresh economy every few months, which is only possible in seasons.

You must be talking to Ivanka.

They’re super-1337.

Source: trust me, brah.

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They require a development team that understands what a majority of people want. Blizzard has lost its way with WoW. They clearly had a working recipe that received over 10 million people. The new dev team has tried to make the recipe their own, and it’s just not good.

Why else are so many people playing a much older version of the game? It’s because the two are practically completely different games, but share the same name.

People want the classic recipe of gameplay with new content.

Not seasons. Seasons don’t bring long lasting life to a game. Especially in a game that wasn’t developed with seasons in mind.

Well here you go. I’m not going to keep posting on it though, it has no pic.
Where’s yours? You do play HC, no?

I do. I’d image the vast majority of people posting in this thread play it. Not that amazing tbh that so many of us play it.

We are same server, same faction. I have 15 toons on it alive. 2 dead ones.

I like Ally side better. At least the Alliance doesnt spawn camp an entire faction and stop them from getting Scarab Lord and then uses rude emotes when they got it and you didnt… no. We have more manners than to do that.

You don’t need seasons, barely anyone will even clear MC.


X for doubt.

LoL @ lvl 11 asking for a season