This is NOT about SL zone flying, layout, mob density, etc. This is purely about visual aesthetics and if they bother you, and if so why? It doesn’t just have to be SL.
I posted about this before but Ardenweald makes me literally nauseous due to blue light migraines. Like staring at it for 2 hours will knock me out for an entire irl day. Even through specialized glasses! The Inky Black potion fixes it.
Other zones that trigger this are Mechanar and Botanica because of the same bright, searing monochrome graphics but it’s bright pink instead.
Does any zone in the game do this to you? Nausea, migraines, vertigo? If so, how?
i don’t really like vash’jir because of the deep water, does that count?
No not really. There was that one boss though in Throne of the Four Winds … Al’Akir… when he would throw you up to float in the air on his second phase and it would screw me up soooo badly. Lol
By the time I was able to figure out what way I was looking I’d be dead.
Oh, I’m fortunate to say I’ve never had that happen during my headaches. I’m sorry to hear it does to you. For my browsers, I have an addon that changes the brightness and hue.
One thing that triggers a headache for me is the horn blow in the DK starting zone. When you tell morgaine… something. But that’s predictable and I can just mute the game for a moment.
My friends were really worried for me about the anima wormholes to the continents in SL, but those didnt give me nausia at all. But the Golem harvesting mount’s flying and Sky Serpents flying does sometimes.
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Omg I remember that! Same Didn’t make me sick, but I was one of those who never made it to the end of the boss fight alive.
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Years ago I was at home sick, and tried playing the game in afternoon after feeling a little better. Feeling better didn’t last but 45 min. I was questing in Stone Talon mountains. Since that day I can’t goto that zone without feeling sick.
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Not WoW, but a different Blizzard product. When you kill Malthael in Diablo 3 and he blows up, the entire screen turns a searing white. I haveto look away every single time.
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Bastion is beautiful but the color palette really grates on me after 10 min. Then I want to gtfo of the zone.
Any zone with shear drops into the void triggers my fear of falling. I especially hate Mort’regar for this reason
Yes but due to my own fault.
I recommend at some point playing WoW in VR. I tried it at a friends place and by whatever powers exist above, it is a thoroughly addictive experience.
Where does the migraine come in?
I took the elevators up in Revendreth and felt sick to my stomach looking down like it was real.
At some point I want to go through all the WoD/Legion and BfA quest because of just how beautiful those maps look in VR.
If you are literally nauseous then that means that your actually make people vomit. I think you mean you’re nauseated.
My migraines actually do cause vomiting. And senior-style falls.
Hemiplegic migraines. They’re really nasty…
Nothing in WoW. But watching a playthru of RE8 gave me a thankfully short migraine. It was the FOV I think or lack thereof. Once the streamer got a pc mod someone made to alter the FOV everything was way smoother and easier on my brain. Well after I napped thru most of said migraine.
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Not necessarily a particular zone, but rushing water or fast moving rivers does it for me, like that river in Highmountain or places near waterfalls. To add to Nillah’s comment above, I get really disoriented in underwater zones and navigating underwater, so Vash’jir can make me feel dizzy if I’m questing and killing things, but just swimming around is ok. Sometimes the tinge of the environment in Felwood or some other western Kalimdor areas can be a bit intense, especially when stacked with the more rudimentary graphical elements.
Some of the effects that have a lot of swirly motions bother me, too. Pretty much all the “thready” Shadowlands graphics effects (think of the necrolord fleshcraft spinning around the character or effects around the night fae soulshape or anything anima related) were awful at first. I’ve adjusted a bit to some of them, thankfully, but they can still be very grating to look at, even if they don’t make me sick. The only way I can describe this popular new graphics style in WoW is “nails on a chalkboard.” Ever since 9.0.5 introduced some FPS issues in certain SL areas, the floor pattern stuttering in Oribos is the number one thing that makes me want to
Some other things unrelated to zone are people who hover near me on a flying mount with the wings flapping in front of the screen for a long time and I will have to move. People who are so bored they QEQEQE strafe their character back and forth forever, be patient Anything that takes control of my character and swirls me around or shakes the screen gives me motion sickness. Death knights gripping me in battlegrounds is not fun! Some mounts I just cannot ride, like any of the dragons or serpent-like things that sway. Oddly, the sky golem doesn’t affect me at all. Also, when the camera does a lot of snapping around in a tight space. Or I will get claustrophobic in certain caves.
Some things just take some time getting used to for me, and others will just always make me feel sick. I don’t notice it nearly as often in WoW anymore, aside from these certain instances above, and maybe partly I’ve just learned how to avoid a good bit of them haha. Trying new games will always be tricky at first. I got really sick trying to play an isometric camera angle game like Baldur’s Gate III, but then got back into Diablo III and the camera doesn’t bother me there. I think it’s such a specific combination of effects. It doesn’t affect me as often as it sounds like it would, but my cumulative experience has allowed me to create a list of things to avoid, or just see how it’s affecting me that day and modify if needed. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one!
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Have you ever tried the command:
/console ffxglow 0
/console ffxglow 1 reverts it if you don’t like it.
I have silent vestibular migraines and it helped me a lot. Especially in zones like Ardenweald.
Does the blue light filter on your PC not help any?
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I spend as little time in Ardenweald as possible because the excess blue is hard on my eyes (though luckily no migraines from it). I really wish they would consider these things when making such monochromatic zones.
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Only when I get on after a long break. After a few days my brain adjusts.
It’s nowhere near as intense but I have a hard time playing in Bastion at night without something like inky black, because it’s so bright and permanently midday. If I have things to do there I usually have to do it in the day so the brightness of the screen matches the brightness of daylight coming through the window.
Could be fixed by turning on the lights at night, but I hate that because it causes screen glare and kills immersion.
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My night vision sucks, so nighttime on Azeroth means I can’t play unless I use the Sunwarmed Sand. Which was implemented poorly.
That’s the only good thing about most of Shadowlands for me: there is no day/night cycle. Revendreth during blood rain gets difficult at times, but not too bad.
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I have those LED light strips on the back of my TV because of that. And a light bar that shines behind my computer monitor. Backlighting with a softer color helps a lot and no glare.