Welcome to Migrainia, Land of Headaches

i feel you there…

also why i don’t play subnautica…
the ocean…

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The in between and Epilepsy doesn’t help, I have to close my eyes until I land.


I can see how the highly saturated colors in WoW can be offputting for people with vision problems, but I feel like if someones vision problems are THAT bad, maybe they shouldn’t be spending so much time staring at computer screens.

I know that either in Cata or MoP they opted out of a dynamic camera system because there were so many complaints from people who have bad eyes or get motion sickness from video games. It sucks that everyone else has to suffer for just a few peoples problems, but that’s par for the course for WoW anyway.

Define specialty glasses, you’re talking about blue shield glasses?

was that when they added the cloud serpent mounts? or more specifically that one dragon on the cash shop, the gold one. i remember they had a lot of complaints about the camera moving on those

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Well, I don’t get headaches/migraines (I used to like more than 10 years ago in high school but that was due to photosensitivity BUT it somehow “corrected” itself). I do feel really nauseous, like feeling queasy and wanting to throw up, on 2 different occasions.

One time I was taking a flight path from Dalaran in Broken Isles to some other zone there (I can’t remember) but as I was flying right outside Dalaran, I disconnected. I used to get disconnects before during flight paths and when I would login, I would be dismounted and would be falling… to my death basically lol… but I didn’t mind it that much 'cause I wasn’t that high up usually on the other flight paths. BUT, in this case, outside the border of Dalaran, I basically fell down into the ocean under Dalaran (this was during the Legion expansion when it was current). When I fell into the ocean, I basically was underwater but I could not see absolutely NOTHING resembling a landscape or an object or anything at all… just plain empty water from all angles. I felt really queasy/nauseous and wanted to throw up so badly so I just clicked on my regular hearthstone in my backpack and just looked away from my screen. I had my headphones on too so I took them off as well right after clicking the hearthstone. I realized that I didn’t like that “being underwater” noise… like that bubbling/gargling or whatever noise when you go underwater. But that + just staring into nothingness basically amplified my nauseous-ness. After a few seconds later from clicking the hearthstone, I was in an inn somewhere on the Broken Isles and then the that whole queasy feeling went away and I put back on my headphones finally.

Second time was kind of related to the 1st occasion but this time, it was during BFA. I was on my “main” Horde toon that I used to experience the Horde storyline. I was doing the war campaign and was doing that part where you had to go really deep underwater in complete darkness to find a body. That made me feel really nauseous too. I had to look away from my screen until I finally landed on the sea floor (I think I was automatically “reeled” down to the sea floor so I think that was a good thing lol). I did wanted to “test” to see what would happen if I just kept the flashlight on for a longer period of time. But I am also afraid of sharks and I did not know how big of a shark that will come and kill me lol (or even how fast it might come).

I actually researched what it was that I was fearful of exactly pertaining to those two occasions. I found out it is called “thalassophobia”, persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as the sea, oceans, pools or lakes (basically includes fear of being in deep bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, of sea waves, sea creatures, and fear of distance from land). I was kind of shocked to find out that there is actually a term for this phobia lol.

There were two other occasions where I felt nauseous in WoW but I can’t remember now lol (probably 'cause it took me a while to write this post).

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I made an addon to help with this.
WoW has a full screen glow effect.
Before BFA you could toggle it on or off in the menu.
During BFA a console command could permanently disable it.
Once the SL prepatch hit the console command only lasted until you logged out then reset.
I wrote a super small addon that runs the console command when you login every time to disable the glow and tossed it up on Curseforge.

You can do a test run by typing in - /console ffxglow 0
/console ffxglow 1 - turns it back on
Just type that in chat in game and it will turn off the glow temporarily.

If it works this should help:
You can also get it with any add-on manager that pulls from curse.

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Gasp! I didn’t know that was a thing! Tysm, gonna turn it on right away and see how it goes!

As for the type of glasses, perscription glasses for astigmatism with a blue light protective coating for people with eye strain. It definitely helps, but Ardenweald is just… too blue.

Bastion soooometimes hurt, like a tiny bit if it’s dark irl.
Really bright places makes my eyes die but this is especially bad at night.
Nighttime irl + Looking at bright things = death.

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Doesn’t matter tbh.

I could stare at neutral zones all day and be fine. If I go into one of those triggering zones, though? BAM, migraine. It’s also triggered by random stuff like fluorescent lights.

People like us have to adjust to the world around us because if we avoided everything, we’d end up living in a sterile box.