Where do extroverted introverts fit in on this scale?
There is solo que for skirmish
Yes I know that response was to me.
Some content may be open to random groups via the group creation tool, but that doesn’t mean its content intended for PuGs.
Every section of progression has its random group tool to try and get players into actually doing the activity quickly, but it’s not as well rewarded. LFR, random BGs, heroic/normal dungeons and skirmishes. Stuff with better rewards doesnt work that way, it takes more time and effort, but better rewards.
You are not going to convince me that hanging my rating and progression on a random or two randoms is a good idea. Even if one went in with a premade, players like the OP will just complain that they can never win and its Blizz’s fault cause the other team isn’t random. Just like how players complain about random BGs.
“Why am I on the team that never has healers but the other team always does?”
"Why is my ilvl so high, but I’m stuck with fresh 60s that suck?
They haven’t put in random queues for M+ and normal or higher raids. Why would they slap a random queue on rated PvP?
If the OP wants random matches I think LoL let’s you queue and do ranked matches because it’s a MOBA.
I have NEVER heard of that, is it a thing? How? I tip my (non existent) hat to you, sir!
Anti social ppl are in prison as they do not like when other ppl socialize and will do anything to stop it , they are crazy . You are either referring to asocial or introverts .
We were once extroverts. Many many moons ago. And then found solace in the introvert way. Yet, we’ve retained a bit of our extrovert ways when we’re forced into social settings, but long for the hour we can be our true introverted selves once again!
Sounds like you are a well balanced, charismatic introvert who can act well for a specific length of time before needing hours to recharge!
Do we have a convert in the making!? Come to our side! We’ve got cookies!! Courtesy of @Grumbles
I’m starting to think TC only wants SoloQueue so that he could get carried for free without paying a boost
They need to add more options for the solo player - definitely. It doesn’t hurt and can only help. They need to evolve a bit past this current game design - would help maintain more consistent numbers.
that is exactly what these leeches want, all the reward for no effort. No solo Queue please
Define solo please. Because I consider myself a solo player, and I’ve pushed m+ into 20s, gotten AoTC, damn near hit max ilvl. As a solo player.
Solo as in, I’m not grouping up with anybody. Fairly self-explanatory I would think.
Umm…having blizzard put you in a group, as opposed to you doing it yourself…is still grouping up…
Unless you’re referring to more content instead of more “options” ?
I personally didn’t say anything about a group - read much?
Well this thread is about grouping and how to get into those groups via blizzard doing it for you.
That’s why I’m asking what you mean by:
I solo queued +15 master and every raid/pvp I’ve ever done. Gatekeeper less.
Oh, it’s this topic again. Sadly that will never happen.
I dunno…maybe we should let it happen.
We select a character we want to play
Blizzard puts us in a group
Blizzard automates the run
We collect loot
We add loot to character
Blizzard puts us in a group
Blizzard automates the run
We collect the loot
Yay! Blizzard is well on their way to being a mobile game