
You’re conveniently leaving out the part where i mentioned it’s hard for some people to make friends not out of anxiety or anything, but because they’re ‘weird’.

Ohh, don’t worry, im not necessarily anti-social in fact, i’d love to make friends! just haven’t had any luck. Believe me i’ve tried.

I have a question for you, have you ever played any other game with rated play, and played it? Or are you the type whose only game is World of Warcraft?

Sure, rated queue is gonna be like Skirms, except its sweatier. After all, there’s a reward in mind for winning, there’s that incentive. Rated play will still be rated play, sweats will sweat to win, that’s the concept of rated play, and why Casual is different. Is there something wrong with that? Works in other games, would work fine in WoW.

Elitists like you won’t have anything to lose. Elitists will still make groups and look to make the perfect group. You’ll still find your groups mate or your ideal mate joining yours, your experience won’t be hindered. You’ll get your perfect class matchups bud. Only difference? you’ll go up against random teams more often now. Nothing changes for you.

And again, are you actually bothered by other people’s inability to access content they can’t that otherwise should be trivial? Something that in no way, would affect you? Are you actually that spiteful and resentful?

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We want to play. But not with the likes of you.

So don’t assume you speak for everyone, I was told that too if you actually studied.


“I want to get gear”
gets rejected to everything applied to
“How do I do that”

It’s like needing 3-5 years experience for an entry level job. That’s where group finder is right now.


Ooh, I got one for your list.

Makes group, nobody applies or the group disbands after one wipe, etc.


You guys are good at making this game harder for yourselves. You certainly aren’t making friends or supporters through the forums either.

To be frank, all you did this thread was insult people. I even pointed out an error in your research of an insult.

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that’s why you have chill/yolo groups to help
or if you’re loaded with gold/tokens, there’s always the “Boosted” option, but that won’t guarentee you a spot in other groups

also, there’s the streamer option of learning your spec from arena players

Imagine someone being tired of “blizz make the game easier for me thread” #300896.

Edit to add: Us real casuals are kind of getting tired of being called elitist by people who came up with a new definition of the term casual.

Easier? More like actually playable.

Again, the core emphasis since Shadowlands is Group or Die. Group or Die is the notion that all casuals must do hard group content after getting to 197/200 Item Level, the bare minimum floor, for the best rewards.

But the rewards are not worth the effort in PVE, so we turn to PVP. But PVP is a mess because again, groups are hard to form.

If you needed Social Security, you shouldn’t go around saying you hate it and want it abolished.


I just assume everyone playing wow is weird. :man_shrugging:

Embrace the weirdness!


That’s a gearing issue not a social one. No one is going to argue that gear is in just about the worst place ever. You will in fact have the support of the majority including myself in that regard. However you are making the poor reward structure into a social issue which it is not.

Don’t have much to say huh? You know we’re right. Resulting to insult now? How predictable. Zero constructive response or attempting to make a compelling argument.

Why can’t you accept that you’re wrong and instead result to being a jerk? Can you please elaborate why are you so spiteful over people not having the same opportunities as you? I want to hear.

You mean, easier, more accessible and tolerable?. Harder in what way exactly, matching with randoms not resulting in perfect matches? Then that’s why groups are for mate :wink:. As i’ve said, you wont be affected in any way.

  1. That’s been like that since Classic WoW’s inception, Group or Die is basis of progression of any kind. They simply made it easier to get started through Cov gear/weekly progression. Otherwise, it sounds like you want BFA’s loot system of press 1 button to get LFR/Normal tier Purples

  2. PvP loot isn’t really viable for PvE unless you’re Ilvl Padding or primary stats. Especially for a Hunter as Vers/Mastery isn’t really good compared to Haste/Crit.

A better tip is what .05 is coming up with, and should get folks into Castle nathria a bit easier.

Am I the only one waiting on the weekly Ralph thread because of this?

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You forget I also hated BFA. It was also a Group or Die expansion.

Reading is hard. OP said he is tired of sitting in oribos hoping someone accepts him in LFG arena finder. Its the elitist you must have 4k rating and ilvl 500 to get accepted crap that causes this demand for solo que for rated stuff…

Stop the ridiculous I cant handle one loss so imma demand ridiculous stats crap and this will stop. I want solo que for rated stuff too.


Yeah he was entertaining

Seriously, why are people SO spiteful over others not being able to access rated pvp content?

Get geared!
How so when nobody accepts me into their groups? I can do 197 yes, but what about rated pvp gear? How exactly am i gonna obtain it if i keep being rejected?

Make yer own groups
Nobody joins, and when someone does, they always leave. How am i ever gonna make a consistent arena friend? I’ve tried this on my warrior for a month and have gone no where. Made worse if you’re a ‘weird’ guy according to others.

Queueing for Rated pvp is the simple solution. Everybody gains, nobody loses. Elitists still get to be elitists and make groups(which daily theres like 20-30 of them btw LOL). There’s no ‘arguing’, it’s a quality of life improvement and good deed to the silent majority. Only people to speak out against it, are elitists gatekeepers who somehow are offended by people not having the same opportunities as them.

Or maybe, you just wanna stomp on lesser geared players and are scared of the idea of more people obtaining gear? So much for being this ‘Elite’ ‘’’’’’’‘Competitive’’’’’’’’’’’’ player.


We don’t really know what a solo queue for rated PvP would do. It would be solo queueing with MMR which doesn’t exist right now and might work out perfectly fine, after all nearly every competitive team game in existence offers this.

Admittedly, PvP balance is kind of awful right now, but whatever. Beyond a certain rating, people will at least be using the right specs and gear.


Chill/Yolo groups. Maybe understand your class and the meta. Folks that reject you are those who are fishing for FotMs. They kick you out? Tough on them, they’re going to be shocked upon getting a rogue that’s meta but not experienced.

Join with friends/guildies, or as I said YOLO groups