Weird terms we use that don't come from WoW

Where did Rofl / Roflchopter originate from? Rofl = Roll on the floor laughing.

ROFL: America Online

aoe, it was hard for me to figure out what this meant

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ROFL predates America Online.

Creep-jacking: to gank a player who is fighting a creep (mob).

Mob is actually pretty “old school”. Back when an “NPC” was just a static 2D person, or in a 3D world was an immovable object, “Mobile NPC” was a hot new label, they became “mobs” for short.

But then of course moving NPCs just became standard, so it applied to literally all of them.


Aggro, the amount of threat you have; this comes from EQ (likely)

Mob, referencing enemy NPC’s also EQ.

Toon, reference to your character also EQ.

PST, “Please send tell” Vanilla as far as I can remember.

Lol, I just got a flood of memories about that. Then after learning
a few things trying to explain how to respond in chat channels to my friends that were new, using the chat channels. Inevitably you would get a phone call “I can’t figure out how to respond”. Good times, good times.

weren’t Mobs introduced in MUDs? (Multi-User Dungeons)

I still dislike the term toon >.<


I know DAoC used 10 bubbles to show your progress to the next level instead of an xp bar.

Yup, sure were.

Am I the only one that equated WTB/WTS as Willing To Buy/Sell?

Lol. This is true!

I think Roger Wilco was a voip in the late 90’s. It didn’t work very well on the potatoes back then.

Yup. The other guy said it was waiting. So there’s that but yea like a poster above mentioned. This was short hand for newspaper ads. Want to buy/sell. All good you still bought and sold. Lol.

I believe Toon was started in The Realm because characters looked like cartoons. Same time period, different game. I played EQ for a few years before WoW came out and never heard it called that on my server or by any of my friends who played on other servers. EQ had a pretty heavy RP vibe. Rolling on a wow RP server didn’t feel any different than being on a normal EQ server (aside from a drastically different game obviously lol).

PST is from EQ. /tell (name) was how you whispered someone. (Could have been used earlier if another game used the same command but I know it’s what we used)

Very possible, I never heard PST in EQ, but I did see the use of “toon” in EQ…

I guess experience can very a bit.

Come to think of it, I remember the term “Toon” used in D2, perhaps that’s where it came from??

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I never really played with other people on D2 back in the day, so have no first hand experience from the early years. So you could be right. I only played online back then so I could access my characters on other computers easier lol.

The first time I heard it was a guy I used to tabletop with during…TBC? I asked him why he called them Toons and said he had played The Realm and offered that explanation. So I just assumed that’s where it started given that games had been around forever (or what I considered forever back then lol).

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Nobody said “toon” before Cata, I blinked and suddenly that phrase was in use and I was like ??? wtf are you talking about… oh your CHARACTER?

I was so confused ;_; It’s such a bad term. It means nothing. Like nobody calls them “avatars” anymore but that would still make more sense and I wouldn’t find it the weirdest thing ever.

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An aggressive (red con) mob.

Mobile unit; from Everquest.

Cartoon character; from Everquest.

  • Please Send Tell
  • Pacific Standard Time


  • Con - Taken from Everquest meaning “Consider” to assess the strength and reaction of a mob.
  • Ding - Taken from Everquest meaning the sound made on Level Up. In WoW its more of a swoosh.
  • WTB - Want to Buy
  • WTS - Want to Sell
  • Twink - Giving powerful weapons to lower level characters, or preparing a character with powerful weapons at a lower level.
  • Add - An additional attacker.
  • CC - Crowd control. Polymorph, Ice Trap, Banish, Entangling Roots, Sap. Used to incapacitate part of a multi-mob pull.
  • Pull - To engage in combat from range.
  • Face Pull - To engage in combat by entering a mob’s aggro range.
  • DPS - Damage per second.