Weird PvP toy?

So i was killing allies in boralus when i found a warlock that was extremely hard to kill, only due to the ability to hop around as many times as they wanted going like 15 yards one direction and taking no fall damage. is this some hidden ally toy that i dont know about or can i get this too

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I saw a Allí Druid hopping around like that to, only it was in Mechagon.

It’s an item that drops in naz!!

Delete it!

Burn it with fire

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No damn it.

Go farm some and be a meme lord.

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its this you can get them in nazjatar and use them anywhere

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I could roll prot and use them hmmmm.

Go holy and never die.

Holy’s only issue is how easy it is to focus them down.

With deep coral pods you can escape any situation.

Huh I wasn’t aware that you could use this outside of Naz.

I’m going to be hosting a horde only hop competition this weekend. Whoever can hop around the Boralas transmog houses the most wins.

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People should be happy they nerfed Strange Dimensional Shard to only be usable in Legion zones…

At the start of BfA and the BfA pre-event in Darkshore, it was still usable. I farmed a sh*tton of them in Legion and you could escape ANY situation, no matter how many people chased you.

I even made a specific cancelaura macro that I keybound so it was easier to control.

Deep coral pods are awesome. I can actually survive the roaming gank squads with them and maybe even take down one or two if they follow.