Weeklys on Character not reset

On my character, Nikita-Stormrage, my weeklies for coffer keys didn’t reset. This is awful given that 616 vault gear is potentially still an upgrade as well as maps for 610 gear, etc. In addition, I’m unable to get rep. I can’t get the quest for the theatre, awakening, etc.

My character essentially did not reset with maintenance, and I have a ticket in that’s ~2 days to get an answer. I rarely complain, but on a prog release week this just isn’t acceptable and puts my character significantly behind in power.

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If you look at the other larger threads on this topic it has been going on for 3 resets now with no word from blizzard.

You’d want to edit your post and move it to the bug report forum.


I want customer support as a customer


This forum is used as an information dusk, it isn’t a contact point.


The only thing I can tell you, Nikitabanana, is that we’re aware of the reports and it is being looked into. We don’t have any other information to share, sorry.


why not post this in ALLL the with this issue all 22+ posts

lots of us this is 2 week this happened loosing A LOT of keys and rep

Well, because we don’t have jurisdiction of the Bug Report forums, and we’re not part of the QA team. They do not traditionally post updates, acknowledgement, etc… The Bug Report forum is specifically to report potential bugs. It isn’t a contact point where you are intended to receive a response. QA takes reports from there and creates tasks to investigate the reports.

The only time you might see a reply from QA, which is extremely rare, is if they need to ask for specific information about something.


Because Bug Reports belongs to QA, and the Support Forum Agents don’t post there.

(QA also usually doesn’t post there, unless they need to ask for more information to clarify a reported bug. Sometimes Community Managers will post on behalf of the developers, but that’s not common and cannot really be expected.)

Bug Reports is not a conversational forum. The intended flow is: player reports bug, QA confirms bug and forwards to developers, and no one talks about it. Perhaps some time later, the developers’ representatives may post to confirm they’re working on it, or (more often) to state that the bug has been fixed.

(As Vrakthris just said.)


So you’re saying they’re content allowing players to just unsub because this bug has rendered the gameplay, in its current state, moot. Chests contain nothing but gold, kej, resonance crytsals etc. but no gear or coffer keys. We cannot move forward with our guilds or friends. I sincerely hope there is some fix or means by which the content we’ve been cheated out of can be recouped. Sooner rather than later!


That isn’t remotely what I said.


I dobut they will give us 2 weeks worth of stuff…itll be more like sorry we screwed you over 2 weeks but we think we fixed it…week 3 oh look still no reset

Thank you very much for the acknowledgement for myself and all those it’s impacting. It sucks to lose both player power and economic (profession) power increases for an entire week so early on. If this were in 10 weeks it’d be a non-issue for me - but the loss of 616 vault gear and 10 enchanting points is huge.

Nonetheless, thank you for your reply - it’s appreciated.

I’m also experiencing this bug, I have received 0 coffer keys this week and this has halted my progression. In game support tells me to check wowhead, it really seems like I cannot get any help with this.

What do you recommend we do to get help with this game breaking issue?

You are welcome, Nikitabanana. Hopefully the issue can be resolved sooner rather than later.

As this seems to be bringing out some strong feelings and the temptation to turn up the aggression I’m going to be closing the thread.

Time, while we absolutely do understand the frustration that potential bugs can cause, name calling is never appropriate.