Weekly Vault Items

Is it just me or is Blizzard just not putting effort into the gear selection each week for the vault? I seem to only get cloaks or gear that isn’t an upgrade. I keep running higher keys so I can upgrade.

Well, I can at least promise you they’re not hand selecting the items to troll you. I’m not sure if any loot is weighted differently, maybe the Very Rare items. Would be nice if it looked at each slot’s highest track we’ve had for it and shifted the weights around a bit to make it more likely, but still not guaranteed, we would get an upgrade.

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After a while you sort of grow out of the vault. Just tokens now.


There are eleventy zillion folks hitting the vault each week. It’s no surprise some poor soul gets some spectacularly inappropriate gear options, because RNG says that out of the zillion players, SOMEONE is going to get a set of bum rolls.

This week, it was you.

Early on, it was me.

Past couple of weeks, vault’s been good to me.


Grats. I go through this every week lol. Maybe if I start checking it at different times instead of right as it’s available.

The vaults i sware are the most frustrating thing in the game.

Every week i get the same damn items in the vault, 2 cloaks, 1 neck, wrists and pants then 1 item that is differant.

The vault hasn’t been good to me in like 4 weeks annoying as hell.

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As someone that isn’t getting what I want from vault very often, I still think it’s just RNG and not weighted.

Yeah it sucks every time I get excited to push 20s for Max rewards in a season for the first time, thinking that a 30 ilvl upgrade in any slot is worth it, only to get like a haste heavy neck on brewmaster or a mastery heavy neck on my rogue who had lariat.

It also sucks when I see my Mrs gets a “very rare” fyrak trinket or the mega dungeon glaive.

RNG gonna RNG I guess. At least crafting is at a point that we can make a 486 with ideal stats and beneficial embellishments. Couldn’t do that previously.

Edit: I also went through a phase of getting 1-3 weapons in my vault every week for a few weeks. Let me tell you, getting nothing but weapons is no better than getting nothing but bracers/cloaks/shoes.


/moo :cow:


yea blizz definitely hard marked your account to give bad gear. To punish liars

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Just to give context, my first two weeks I took tokens. That’s how awful it was. Right out the gate, as soon as the dream opened, and I took tokens.


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I’d kill for a weapon, lol

Bruh my Cape is still 463. We’re RNG opposites.

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I have gotten the exact items I was already wearing many times in dragonflight. Seems like it could at least check your gear before “creating the loot” Never noticed the issue before that. I have always had better luck with the “weekly” quests that give a piece of gear.

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My vault this week:

Raid -

Dungeons -

This is not worth the hours upon hours I spent filling my vault. That’s not even RNG, that’s just plain stupid. None of it was an upgrade.


It is RNG, though. Players just want “RNG” in the same way that people want their music to “randomly shuffle”.

Aka, not random.

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No one is hand picking your vault options. You have bad RNG.

I had the same belt in each slot. Neither had a socket or an additional stat. Some call that bad RNG, I call it trolling.

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It’s purely random what you get.

I think you’re the one trolling, friend.

But if not, submit a bug report.


We need an AI that just posts “RNG is RNG” and auto closes these threads.

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