Weekly Reset Issue

I noticed you finally acknowledged the issue that people have had for over two weeks, which was nice for you to finally do that.

However, you forgot to include the section on how we obtain the coffer keys and rep we missed out on. Are you still working on that or are we expected to be unfairly behind our peers because of this bug?

Edit: and profession knowledge too, cant forget that. You know, this wouldn’t be such a massive issue if you didn’t time gate every little thing behind the weekly reset


I doubt anyone in the CS organization knows anything more than what the support article says. Just to temper your expectations.


I am sorry Jarlton, but that is not something CS has any say in. They support billing, account access issues, policies, etc - for all Blizzard games. They have no say at all in what the individual game teams do. What you need is a WoW Developer decision.

GMs can only use logs to grant what has been awarded by the game - if the Devs allow them to. They can’t grant things that did not happen, even if the quests were not done as a result of a bug.

If any catch up mechanism is done, it would be a Developer Decision to implement something in game for impacted people, or for everyone.

Repeatable content they usually don’t, but considering this is the start of the 1st Season on a new expansion and people are gearing for raid, you never know. It matters a bit more right now than average.

We shall just have to wait and see what the Developers decide to do.


CS will likely just tell you they don’t know based on interactions with them in other threads regarding this issue. There really doesn’t seem like there is any way to get in contact with anyone in this company who has any idea on this. We’re likely out of luck getting any sort of compensation here based on the lack of information on it in the support article.


I mean, couldn’t that be tracked? I opened several caches and did not receive my coffee keys. Couldn’t they check my logs from Tuesday onwards and see that the first caches I opened didn’t grant me the proper rewards?

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Well, there isn’t anyone to get in contact with anyone is because they don’t talk about issues not fixed yet or finished. More so when it’s something more internal and need to know. They can’t stop and talk about every issue brought up and will need to put their nose to the grain stone to get it fix and see what they can do after the fact, if anything can be done.

The only thing I can tell you is that is still being discussed. Customer Support has no involvement in these processes.


I know they don’t have a say in it, but they are the only people who actually have communicated anything on the issue. The complete radio silence from the dev team is extremely disheartening so we turn to the only people we can.


Think is, that kind of thinking doesn’t mean you can get more then what’s offered. The blues here ain’t able to be pushed into asking things because someone wants them to. Their main job is keeping this faction of the forums working and flowing right, not so much going to other departments to ask things because they was asked to do such.

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Im not asking to get anything other than information on what the development team plans on doing. There is an issue with my character, so I went to customer support to ask for information. It has nothing to do with pushing blues because I want something and everything to do with trying to get some form of communication on an issue they have mostly been silent on. An issue that affected a core component of this expansion and one of the end game pillars.

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I am sure everyone would love to have that information, including CS and the Support Forum Reps. Nobody enjoys being unable to answer questions that matter to players!

When, and if, that info becomes available I am sure the WoW Devs will share it with players and with CS.


I understand, but the main issue is they don’t give such before the devs greenlight it, which is normally when we the players find out at the same time. It isn’t a minute before they know then we do.

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For instance, I had no idea that support article was made until after it was published. :smiley:

If we hear anything we’ll definitely let folks know, but we’ll likely find out around the same time you do. Odds are the Support Article will be updated or Community Management will put out a post. Sorry for the frustration folks.


Well, that’s something. Thanks for sharing that. At least now we know that the developers are acknowledging that affected players will be weeks behind in their progression. Hopefully they will do the right thing and come up with an equitable remedy.


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