Weekly Leatherworking Quest

My alt LW finally has stumbled upon this bug for the first time. I had quests the last two weeks that this was reported, but none available today.

Same last week and this week, both of my LW toons :frowning:

No LW quest from trainer again this week, now we will apparently be 6 points behind – WTF Blizz??? Seems like the least you could do is make a statement that you really don’t give a rat’s patoot and LW crafters can just go pound sand. At least that would be honest.

Sam issue this week. The leatherworking knowledge quest is missing again.

Same. Second week in a row now that there is no Leatherworking profession quest. Surely someone at Blizz has LW and has seen this issue themselves? Or maybe not, since we still have to go into the Brackenhide instance to do decayed crafting.

Having the same issue on my evoker not getting the weekly a 2nd week in a row. This is 6 points we are missing out on.

Why is this issue not outlined in a blue post?

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Alas another week and my poor leatherworkers are left in the dust. Sadyra and Neliedoria on Moon Guard, Tanddrisa on Wyrmrest.

Because the Devs quite frankly suck at communication, I’m sad to say. This was noted though, that they’re aware of the issue and it’s being worked on.

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Thanks for sharing, I saw this when I went to report the bug, but i’m surprised they didn’t add it to the blue post since they have been getting “multiples reports of this issue”

Seems like something they should be commenting on since it is limited to a weekly quest :confused:

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2 weeks in a row and I sent in a ticket. GM said they are not a developer and can’t fix it.

No way, really a GM is not a dev? Duh, just give us the knowledge this is just such an easy customer service win.


adding my name to the “no leatherworking quest available” on my leatherworker.


My suggestion is everyone start sending in tickets. We need a response better than “we’re aware there’s an issue.” Keep sending tickets in until they award us the knowledge. It’s only fair.


Two weeks in a row, time to start firing people.


Continuing to do something you know won’t fix the problem and will only clog the ticket queue for real tickets is a horrible idea.


Two weeks in a row, no LW quest. Please mail us all 6 skill points.


Logged in today, no Leatherworking Quest again. Met by this:


How else do you get a company to address customer service issues then demand better service? Blizzard would restore items manually back in the day. I lost items in raids before due to phasing or something where the boss disappeared.

They’ve just automated a lot of that. There’s no reason they can’t award the leatherworking designs to players that have the bug.

If the devs just fix the bug and the quest reappears next week they haven’t addressed the real problem.


Same here for the 2nd week in a row. What is going on?

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Then they need to tell someone who can fix.

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Happened to me this week

Also have not had a LW weekly quest two days in a row.