Weeklies did not reset

I got zero pieces of gear this week, I got all coffer keys.

Thankfully this hasn’t happened to me on either of the two characters I am currently playing. Sucks if it happen to you as these quests are a vital resource at the moment.

There is an ongoing post about this in the bug forums:

This happened to me about two weeks ago and has thankfully been fine ever since. Still unknown of what caused it.

I haven’t heard of a followup from blizzard. A ticket I posted back then, it was stated they were aware of the issue and is currently investigating. They can’t compensate for any lost items at this time because it’s very likely it’ll cause more issues than it already is. However that doesn’t mean they can’t compensate for something in the future, assuming this gets fixed.

Two weeks of this for me… They do not care… Just gonna ubsub no reason to go for 3 weeks of no weeklys… Just playing a 30 year old game was my mistake…