Weeklies did not reset

Everything broken after a patch, sounds like that blizzard polish we all hear about. Maybe they should have used all that maintenance time they had set aside yesterday instead of finishing early.

lol as soon as the game came up 40mins early I knew stuff was going to be broken and not working correctly, like the Upgrade 50% as we well

I think it’s important for folks who were seemingly unaffected by whatever’s going on to say something, because it shows that this isn’t an issue with the game as a whole but is either account- or character-specific.

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I did the radiant chest today and it opened up with nothing no key no loot like it was my 5th chest opened for the week even though it was my first chest for the week… My Stuffedbunny-Area52 isnt reset at all :confused:

This has been my issue as well. I only have 3 characters at 80 and all are missing the option to select 1 of the 4 options quest.

If you’re talking about that weekly quest offered in Dornogal a couple weeks ago, that hasn’t returned. It would seem that TWW is going to vary its weekly quests from week to week.

The person you replied to was talking about the ‘special assignment’ world quests though, which is another different thing from what you’re thinking of.

Still ongoing. Filed bug reports pointing to this thread!

Same issue as everyone else on this thread.

I got new machine boxes and pact quests but my lamplighter satchels are green instead of purple.

So we all go a week being punished as though we exploited and blizzard does nothing.

Also facing this issue on my main.

They’ve been trickling in for me. As I go and do stuff all of a sudden like, the weekly crafting quest will appear out of nowhere, or after doing some World Quests, Awakening the Machine finally appeared on the map.

Same issue for me, half of my weekly quests didnt reset and i cannot earn any coffer keys, i completed 2 quests that gave the pinnacle chest and i got no keys from it.

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did you do world quests in Ringing deeps for Awaking the machine to appear? Also can you earn Coffer Keys from them? I have 1 weekly available but i am scared to do it yet because the last one i did gave no key.

None of the chests are giving coffer keys for me, can oly get them from echos and world quests

At this point I have lost hope they will fix for this week. Hope it reset properly next week and I will be only one week behind

i’m coming back in 6 months…
see if they’ve worked out some
of their premature release messes.
i’ve had enough, for now.
love the game/hate what the developers
are doing to it.

This happened to me on today’s reset.





Well this bug hit me today. My main is bricked for the week. Feeling like a beta tester this expansion and it is ruining what is otherwise a pretty great experience. If this is the new normal it might be time to turn around and leave the game again.

This exact bug just hit my main character today.