Weekend morning raiding guild

Anyone heard of one yet? My Saturday and Sunday mornings are typically open so I’d love to find a guild that raids then.


I have not. Maybe start one? I’ve been thinking about doing that myself honestly. What I’m thinking is: start a guild that focuses on first leveling to 60 and getting group quest and dungeon quests done, at 60 getting keys, attunements, and farming 5/10s (maybe even zerg runs) to get everyone pre-bis and scheduling all of the runs on weekends and evenings. If there’s enough interest by then to raid weekend mornings, then that’s great. If not, at least people have worked together to gear up.


Yas plox

If I am going to raid at all in Classic, it will likely have to be weekend mornings. Would be nice! Wake up, make some coffee, log in to Classic, sip some coffee, prep for the raid, more coffee, travel to the raid entrance. Mmmmmm - sounds like a nice morning.

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Right?! That’s what I’m saying. I can farm and do other things needed on weeknights but for a big time block weekend mornings are perfect.

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What timezones are you in? OCE or EU guilds may help if you can’t find enough Americans mates.

That’s me OP. Definitely my best time during the week.

EST. Not a bad idea I may have to look for that

Oh i know your pain 100% Look for British guy’s if i remember correctly they’re 8 hours ahead of us, that may help if nothing else.

<Singularity> Horde | NA-PvP | Semi-hardcore
Raid times: Saturday & Sunday @ 9a-11a EST
Loot: Loot Council
Signups: Contact Silverback#8426 or BuffGamer#3520 on discord.

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Yeah I’m looking for the same thing, but I’m on the west coast. My Saturdays are free up until early evening and my Sundays are pretty open until the afternoon. I’d love to find something that fits this schedule.

Hey, just in case our times lined up with yours! We are Redline-Thrall Horde, a daytime mythic progression raiding guild. We also have folks that run Mythic plus, pvp, and pug majority guild raids for alts and non core members.

For raiding times We raid progression 12-4pm EST on Wednesday and Thursdays, with some other optional raid content on Tuesdays.


  • Uldir (Mythic) 6/8
  • Battle of Dazzar’alor (Mythic) 7/9
  • Crucible of Storms (Heroic) 2/2 (World 5th / Server 1st)
  • Eternal Palace (Normal) 8/8 (Heroic) 8/8

We have a mix of third shift, EU, and work from home guildies that are committed to daytime raiding and community.

Here is our discord
Feel free to put an app on there. If you have any questions or want to talk I’m on discord as Retrection (Isanchezter#1598), there is Whardy (Whardy#1990), and Miamage (Hartske#1816) btags are in parentheses.

Thanks for your time!

Hi, Weekenders Pagle |A| is looking for more players:

|Semi-Casual|Sat/Sun 3PM-6PM EST|might be what you are looking for if:

  • Can’t find guilds that will raid in times that you are not working!
  • kids are doing their own thing.
  • The Husband/Wife/Partner won’t Aggro at this time PST for Inv . :call_me_hand:
    check out all our info:
    WEEKENDERS |Alliance| Pagle NA

Hello Loxigar,

Guild: Mizithra
Server: Whitemane
Faction: Horde
Goals: Raiding and PvP
Raid Times: Saturday (9:00AM-12:00PM PST), Sunday (9:00AM-12:00PM PST)

We are a dedicated group of people around the world who choose to have a different raid time than most due to jobs and family…but with that we unite! Many of us have Vanilla experience and have been playing for years.

Looking for all classes!

Please come with a positive attitude, willing to help others, commitment to raids/pvp, and humor!

Join our Discord - https:// discord.gg/c9M8WU
Battlenet - Kingslik#1362