I WANT YOU to Join Interlopers
Recruiting an all volunteer Alliance force for good! A Few Strong that Aims High.
whisper to sign up! We’ll take you even if you were Born Ready and have a DD214. Space Force Recruiting is full.
- Schedule: TBD(Anticipating raids starting in October. Whether we start, depends upon guild readiness/interest)
- Loot System: Hybrid dkp/loot council system to ensure fairness, encourage members to be involved in their gearing process, and promote guild success and community.
This might be what you are looking for if:
- Military Active Duty, Veterans and Families ( Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard )
- You just can’t find guilds that eventually will raid in times that you are not working! You have a weird work schedule.
- The kids are finally in bed or doing their own thing.
- The Husband/Wife/Partner won’t Aggro!
- You are busy during the weekdays.
- You want to play with your European Friends in a NA Server.
- You think you want it but… Hell yeah I Do want Vanilla… but mostly on the weekends.
Looking for members of any class/race for Classic WOW. We’re a mix of first time players and veterans who are looking to enjoy everything the game has to offer starting with the leveling experience, dungeons, professions, PVP (if that is for you) and eventually Raids (aiming to start 1 1/2 or 2 months after launch)
We are looking for players who are interested in a semi-casual raid setting and to experience all content.
- Since we are busy adults and our raiding time is limited, we expect anyone wanting to raid (if that is your Goal) to be on time, with consumables, and some extras for the guild before raid starts. We understand not everyone has the time to farm consumables or study raid fights, however we do expect our raiders to do their grind before raids. We will progress through raid content, which means learning from your own, or a teammate’s mistakes is pivotal. At the end of the day, this is THE GAME we ENJOY, so fun is 1st priority in our busy lives.
- Use of Discord: Discord is optional but it’s a great tool that gives us the ability to build a community, get to know each other and ask/offer help. It also helps us share experience and knowledge of THE BEST GAME EVER. But Discord will be MANDATORY during Raid Times for Raiders.
We have openings for Every class/spec, so reserve your favorite before it fills up!
We are also looking for players interested in leadership roles.
If you want to help the Guild progression, please Let me know.
Interested? Please reach out to Xeal#9604 on Discord or in game BattleTag: Ultimateone#1232