Weekend Late Night Alliance Guild!

Sensual Seduction
Current Raid Time: Friday 9:30PM to 12:30 AM- Saturday 9:00PM - 12:00AM CT (Server Time)

Currently Recruiting:
High Need: DPS

Sensual Seduction is looking for friendly /raiders who want to progress and have fun while doing it. We’re a relatively small guild, and we treat our guild members like family. We support each other in all of our WoW related endeavors, whenever possible. We’re excited about all the upcoming raid content, and we’re striving for Mythic content. We’re hungry, we’re ambitious, and we’re dedicated. We want to progress but need the bodies to make it happen! Even if you are just looking for a friendly guild look no further!

We do have some expectations though:

Be friendly. - We’re all adults, just have fun here. We love to joke around in discord between pulls. It gets pretty hilarious! We tend to get a little loud, but that’s all the fun when you are still progressing in content with friends.

Be punctual. - 87.5% raid attendance is our goal. We understand family and real life happens. At the end of the day we all pay to play this game and we ask you try you best to attend raid out of respect for the other members. We have a nice system in place to let us know your going to be out. This helps us with knowing we are short ranged, healers or etc.

Be ambitious. - Always be willing to learn and work hard. We all make mistakes. The best thing you can do is learn from that. Our goal is to progress but to have fun while doing it.

Be focused. - Raid time is raid time. Since we are smaller guild this xpac requires a lot more from us. We just ask to keep discord clear on fights other then that chat away. Raid leaders will let you know when we are pulling.

If you are interested please do not hesitate to add Ironthìghs our recruiting officer to Real ID, Cole#1560. We will get you in as a trial if everything works out. Provide us with the class/spec you’re interested in playing, and let me know what your expectations are from our guild. Our goal is to ensure that both parties are happy.

Contact Information
Cole#1560 for more information!

Still looking for some DPS and Heals to fill our roster!

Looking for that ranged dps!

Ranged Dps!!! Where you at?

9/11 Normal! and 1/10 H! Looking for more to join the team!

Looking for some more friendly Players to progress with

Add me to Btag!!

Curious if you are willing to accept somewhat of a casual looking for a new home, still learning my class (Fury Warrior) iLVL 261. I am an older mature fella LF some place to hang my hat. If not and your needing more experienced players I understand.

Bumping up!

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up!

Looking for DPS!

Bumping it up!

Any particular DPS you’re looking for? I work evenings and your raid schedule is perfect. I play Enhance Shaman, Fury Warrior and Fire mage.

Bumping it up!

Probably the fire mage or the warrior. I would love to talk to you more, Send me your btag or add Cole#1560

Bumping it up!

I added Cole to RID. Warlock/Destro. Occasionally, but rarely, Demo. This toon.

Bumping it up!

Bumping it up.