Weekend Friday/Saturday Raid Guild

Bumping it up.

Looking for heals!

sent friend request

Thank you! I look forward to talking with you :slight_smile:

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.



Still looking? I have a 433 warrior and a 424 guardian/feral Druid been looking for a guild with a reliable schedule and yours seems to line up with my schedule

Hello Thrandul!

I will be happy to talk to you about a spot!
Please add me on any of these socials so we can talk! ^^
Battle.net: Kanna#11827
Discord: onikanna

I look forward to speaking with you!

Happy Adventuring

Bumping it up.

Ohai Lovessss

Bumping it up.

We still are looking for a healer :slight_smile:

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

can youuuuuuu…COME SEE US

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

BUmping it up.