Weekend Friday/Saturday Raid Guild

is this a heroic only guild? I wouldnt really be interested in mythic, but if youre aotc only, im down. 445 Fury War

Bumping it up.

We’re normally a heroic focused guild, but this tier we’re trying to see what we can do in mythic.

Bumping it up.

Arise, my champion.

Bumping it up.

If you are actively trying to push into mythic you sound like a good fit to me, I currently main unholy but almost have a full frost set built.

Awesome. If you’re still interested, send a message to Cole#1560 or myself on Magiftw#1947. If you need to message in discord instead, you can message myself as Magiftw#4414 or Magiftw

Sent discord friend request

Try Magiftw#4414. I might have forgotten a text in it.

Bumping it up.

Looking for more friendly faces to help round out our mythic team

Now recruiting a healer :slight_smile:

Bumping it up.

Looking for a monk and heals

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.

Hello dearies, join us at Sensual Seduction

Bumping it up.

Bumping it up.