Week 60 - Still no ZG tiger

just an fyi, raptor boss is harder for sure. Tiger is a whole lot easier as long as you manage kicks correctly.

yeah i found tiger boss way easier to the point since i went this build, i didnt even once look at my hp till after hes dead

[quote=“Invincìble-westfall, post:36, topic:1801839, full:true”]
Yep. It’s still a “prot” spec at the end of the day.

how viable would this be for when leveling a new toon?

more like 5+ months with the delays, not even on the ptr yet + good 2 months of pre patch.

for real tho.
i swear Blizz is killing Wrath/Cata on purpose with these delays.
We really should already be in prepatch or at least have a date for the end of Match.

nothing is being killed, people complain cry doom gloom for 20+ years, masses will be on it, by time it comes out, people will be bored of SOD so it makes sense

Sorry for the late reply. I usually end around 50%, but i’m pretty geared with 4p t10. Using Shield Block is really good for revenge and preventing damage.

no worries. yeah my war is about 4800 gs with some tank and some pvp gear

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