We will have to assassinate Amber Kearnen? Really?

I love how some ex-writers are also coming in to try to justify how it might just be an honest mistake. Like there is a problem. It’s just a matter of how it can be fixed.


Pretty much this. All we’re doing is making sure that history plays out as it is supposed to. “We” aren’t doing anything. “We” can’t change anything either. We can only make sure our history remains as it is. That’s the entire point of the conflict between the Infinites and the Bronze.
This is basically the kind of thing where you have the choice to off Hitler if you go back in time. Yeah it seems like a great idea with no downsides but it may trigger something much worse to happen. That’s the Infinites, the path to damnation is paved with good intentions.

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You do in every single timewalking dungeon.
'member when a party of humans helped Thrall escape Durnhold in Lord of the Clans?
yeah, me neither.

Our actions were essentially deleted from everyone that survived our…“rescue.”
Making everything go back to where it was supposed to be.

The dragon makes Thrall forget.
He doesn’t undo us doing it.

He does. It’s the literal thing he says he’s doing when Tabitha starts asking questions about us.

What are you talking? This is the literal point of the Infinite Dragonflight as a plot device. So we can go back to the past and experience it. The other use of said plot device is to show “what if”.

They keep doing it because it is a compelling excuse for us to experience events in WoW we normally should not be able to. Hell, no one was complaining when we had to follow Chromie to Gnoll Wars/Black Empire.

Supposedly this is the first expansion where the current writing team had full control. I chose to hang back and see what they did before making any decisions. Now we see what they do.

Ultimately this is the writing team’s choice. Of all the decades of lore to play with, this is what they are doing? They chose these specific instances to address. Even if there is more context around the situations to try and justify the quests, the writing team still decided THIS was where they wanted to take the story. They can’t blame Afrasiabi or anyone else now. I guess the SL storyline wasn’t a fluke. And this team has lost any chance of respect from me.


No, it’s just memory alteration. Our being there isn’t undone. I went to the instance and did it to get the dialogue just now.


Yes. Our actions were deleted from everyone. As far as anyone is concerned, we were never there. Doubly so because we get polyed into random humans. So not only is the memory is gone the “humans” that were there don’t exist. About as clean a job as it can be.

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All the history in all of Azeroth’s past.
All the Troll Wars.
Wars between the human nations.
Tauren being attacked by Centaur, Murlocks, and Quillboar.
War of Shifting Sands.
War of Three Hammers.
Various battles through the 1st and 2nd wars.
And more.

And yet, for some odd reason, Blizzard, the company who’s still in hot water for their sordid history of treating women like crap, has to take us back in time to make sure a female character spends the correct amount of time as a frickin’ broodmare slave.



This isnt some odd reason. It is being reference because this is the DRAGONFLIGHT expansion and referencing what has always been one of the darkest period of dragon history experienced by their leader seems a no brainer.

As far as I recall the humans nations have never gone to war with each other. They had plenty of tension sure, but not outright conflict.

I’m curious why the quest is about the Infinite Flight manipulating things to keep Alex from escaping and we have to stop them to make sure she does escape. It would be a lot better than this grimdark nonsense about keeping her from escaping “too early”.

Damn, man. The fact that you don’t see the problem here has me really concerned for you.


The Infinites have always messed with the timeline that seems to be noble. Stopping the Dark Portal from opening, Killing off Arthas before he goes to Northrend, ect. My interpretation is that while it’s good intentioned, it’ll trigger a worst effect.


I am not sure how the bronze dragonflight operates.

It feels like the previous encounters in the past with the infinite dragonflight we were proactive rather than reactive. The dragonflights found out that the infinite dragonflight wanted to do something, and we were asked to go back and prevent it. They wanted to kill Thrall and Medivh.

This time the infinite dragonflight were being sneaky and managed to accomplish their goal (allegedly) and they probably killed the one or removed the one who were to kill Amber. So I assume the Bronze Dragonflight can not just go further back and prevent that from happening, instead we have to go to the timeline the infinites have already created and correct it by killing Amber.

The only other time the infinites have been succesful in changing something, was in the future, rather than the past.

Time wimey stuff is confusing.

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As far as I recall the humans nations have never gone to war with each other. They had plenty of tension sure, but not outright conflict.

Before the coming of the orcs, the human kingdoms of Lordaeron faced challenges and obstacles from each other as the games of politics played out.[4] Amidst those nations, there were no two rivals like Alterac and Stromgarde. The proximity of the two and the apparent ambiguity of their mountain borders had led to several wars and skirmishes. On more than one occasion, King Thoras Trollbane led the armies of Stromgarde into battle against the honorable General Hath of Alterac.[5] The tension of their repeated discord was noticeable at the Alliance summit as Perenolde glared at Trollbane.[6] It is conceivable that this discord had alienated Alterac and its leader from the other Alliance nations who had positive relations with Trollbane. This alienation, in turn, would contribute to Perenolde’s willingness to turn on those allies midway through the Second War.


If I could go back in time I would probally make sure Azshara dies so the Kaldorei can’t rise to power. The fall of the troll empires were the greatest tragedy of our time.

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There is an uncomfortable trend of people trying to associate morality with the type of fiction a person might enjoy. You can like Vader without supporting Facisism.

Or do you want me to question why you are ok with liking a faction that has commited multiple genocide to continue to exist?

Normal people don’t enjoy reading about SA victims and them being forced to be broodmares, fiction or otherwise.

It’s just one of those things that makes people uncomfortable


Seems more like moral panic. Certain people would say us killing/beheading people in game is “not normal”.

This particular quest is not even that graphic/is at best only tagentially referencing what happened/not even in graphic detail.